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I love this story uGHH  I wish I didn't end it :< oh well I had to add another part to it!
Also go check out my new story I am writing I literally need motivation to get into writing it uhgh. I'll stop complaining hope everyone who still has this story in their library enjoys!!!


~Skeppy POV~

I cry, looking at Darryl. 

"Darryl you- you are so beautiful." I smush my face onto his coat to hide my blushing face and tears streaming down my cheeks. 

"Zak stop it," he laughs, "I am so glad you can't see how much I am blushing." We both laugh together. I look up at him, touch his face to make sure this is not a dream. I smile happily at him, "you are so red! You kinda look like a strawberry." I make the silly remark at him, hoping he will get the hint I can see him once again.

He looks down at me in confusion. "What do you mean? Am I that warm to the touch, I didn't realize I was blushing that hard-" I cut him off.

"Darryl I can see you." I pull him in for a kiss to confuse him even more, knowing that niether of us are comfortable in this sitaution it was very short. I just kinda laugh out of awkwardness.

He looks me up and down. Waves his hand right in front of my face, rude. "Dude," I push his hand out of my face,  "get your hand out of my face." I realize what he was doing, he wanted to prove that I could see. He is sitting there in shock, just kind of looking me over. I take this moment to regain comfort  with seeing. Everything is so bright, and all the colors are so loud and it just bangs at my head, but every time I look at Darryl everything is calm and nothing hurts.

After being so sick and becoming blind he was the only happiness I could reach during that span of time. I was horrible, now that I am presently looking at him all I want to do is cuddle him. Maybe I should let him calm down first, I snicker. He looks adorable right now, confused and puzzled.

"Zak-, he finally speaks up, "you can see me?"

"Yeah I can. I can not believe this its mind blowing. Can we just hang out for a while?" I stand up and everything just swirls around me as I try to take a step. I fall over, "I might have to walk around with my eyes closed for a while, or else everyone will think I am drunk or something."

"I-," he sighs, "I love you Zak." He sits down beside me on the floor. We both lay back just laying on the floor. 

This is nice, I decide. I can finally feel at peace once again. No more pain, no more struggle. It's all perfect now and I can blame that on my boyfriend. I smile and look over at him. "Where do we go from here?"

"It's our adventure who knows what's going to happen next with us. We can decide what our next steps are, together."

"Okay," I laugh, "as long as we both can agree that baby steps are for amateurs?"

He looks at me, "if walking around like you're not drunk isn't a baby step I don't know what I m going to do with you."

We just spend probably what feels like minuets looking into each others eyes, that was probably more or less hours than minuets but time passes when you are having fun. 

Sometimes last times lead to first times.


Please, this was so much fun to write. Also thankyou so much! I love you all, and wow I never expected to "rank" this story at all. I don't think I am that great of a writing based off of how lazy I am with it. If you ever want to contact me I have notifications on for wattpad so you can dm/pm me

Or you can find me @Pivlo1 on twitter or if you are on amino I am likely to be on there! ily all so much LIke how can <3
Dont forget if you like my story to go check out my new one. I have been working on it and actually have a plan for it and I am actually putting effort into it!!!

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