Confessions - Jonesy x Reader

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"I don't think Jonesy will ever like me." You told your longtime friend Caitlin.

"You'll never know." She says. "You haven't asked if he feels the same way."

"But isn't he with Nikki?" You asked, covering your face. "Those two look like they're still dating."

"They both dated at one point, but they're not together anymore. It's unlikely that he still feels something for Nikki."

"I doubt it." You mumbled. "They always get back together, and I have to sit back and watch."

Jonesy and Jude arrived at the lemon, laughing. Your heart skipped a beat at his smile. Caitlin shot you a knowing look and nudged your shoulder.

"Tell him!" She whispered.

"I can't!" You replied.

Jonesy sat by you and put his arm around your waist. "Hey beautiful."

You blushed. "Hi Jonesy."

"How's my girl?" He asked, winking.

"You mean Nikki?" You questioned, feeling a bit jealous. You looked over at Caitlin who gave you an awkward smile.

"I mean you." He smirked. "Do you wanna grab some dessert?"

"Sure!" You smiled, pushing down your feelings.

"Hey guys, what's going on?" Nikki said, sitting next to you and Jonesy.

"(Y/N) and I were about to grab a bite." Jonesy answered.

Nikki looked at you suspiciously. "Okay.."

"Do you wanna come with?" He asked.

"Please say no. Please." You thought.

"Sure." She said, getting up.

You all went to a small cafe. As you sat down, you couldn't help, but notice the way Jonesy looked at Nikki. Your heart dropped at the thought of him still having feelings for her.

Jonesy and Nikki got lost into their own conversation, while you just sat there picking at your cake. You wanted to get up and leave, but you didn't want to seem rude.

"I'll be back." Nikki smiled, walking to the cafe's restroom.

You looked down, not realizing that Jonesy was staring right at you.

"You haven't said anything all evening." Jonesy stated.

"I just didn't want to get in between you and Nikki." You murmured.

"What's there to get in between?" He asked.

You shrugged. "You two are dating so there's that I don't want to get in between."

Jonesy laughed, causing you to look up at him.

"What's so funny?" You glared.

"Nikki and I are best friends!" He exclaimed. "Plus I got my eye on someone else."

You sulked into your seat. "Oh."

Jonesy tilted your chin up. "It's you."

Your (E/C) eyes immediately lit up. "I feel the same way."

After Nikki came back, you and Jonesy decided to make it official.

Nikki gave Jonesy a high five. You found out that she has been the one Jonesy confided in about his feelings for you, just like how you did with Caitlin.

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