It's going to be okay - Jonesy x reader

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"Can you please hurry up? I have a shift to get back to!"

You rushed back and forth between the kitchen, and the front counter trying to serve as many dishes as you can on time to all the customers. You pushed down your feelings as you heard the customers yell negative things at you, while your boss yelled at you to speed things up.

"Can you be any more slower?"

"Do your damn job already!"

"Why don't you have my order ready yet?"

Today was a busy day, because it was a Monday and everyone goes back to work after the weekend and stops by at the Galleria mall for lunch. You were the only one working today, because the other baker who works here is on holiday, and the one who takes the orders is sick. So, your boss counted on you, instead of stepping up to help you out. He literally just sat down on his chair yelling at you to stop lazing around.

"One moment, sir. I will have your cupcakes ready now." You assured the customer, heading back to the kitchen. You ignored the complaints of the other customers saying it's not fair how he has his order ready and they don't.

Just as you were icing the cupcakes, one of the customers' kids went behind the counter to scare you. You turned, startled, then accidentally squeezed all the the icing out of the tube then you fell back, slipping on it. The cupcakes all fell over, onto the floor. You groaned in pain, standing up as the customers continued to shout at you.

"That's it, Y/N! Because you can't focus on the job, you're fired!" Your boss screamed, getting up from his chair.


"It's okay, Y/N." Jen assured you, rubbing your back. "It wasn't your fault. I know how it feels to have a boss that only depends on you yet doesn't appreciate you."

"It wasn't fair of him to fire you over that, and he should've helped." Caitlin said, brushing your hair. She grabbed a wet wipe, taking out the frosting, continuing to fix your hair.

You sniffled, wiping your tears. "I've never been fired before. I don't know what my parents or even Jonesy is going to think."

"Your parents will understand, and I'm sure Jonesy will too. He gets fired all the time." Jen replied.

You sighed, rubbing your back, still feeling the ache from your fall, "Just don't tell him. I don't want him to get more upset than he already is right now. He just got fired from the best job he ever had, and I don't want him to worry about me."

"We won't." Caitlin promised.

"Are you sure, Y/N? It's not good to keep things from him." Jen said, looking concerned.

"I'll tell him when I'm ready."

You and Jonesy were on a date at a restaurant later that day. You both watched a comedy beforehand, so you both laughed and talked about it while you were eating.

"I can't wait for the sequel." You giggled, then sipped your water.

"It's going to be sweet!" Jonesy laughed, laying back onto the chair. "So how's work? Anything new?"

You stayed silent, then shrugged, "It's okay. Just the usual." You felt bad about lying, but you felt it was necessary.

"I got fired again today." Jonesy sighed, looking gloomy. "Who knew that putting the mice next to the cats was a bad idea?"

You giggled, "Everyone knows that, Jonesy!"

He laughed, feeling a bit better from your humor, "I guess so."

Before you could say anything else, you heard one of the waiters getting yelled at by one of the customers. The waiter then got yelled at by his boss for getting the order wrong. This really reminded you of what happened earlier this morning.

"Are you okay, Y/N?" Jonesy asked, looking at the scene you were observing.

You felt yourself start to tear up, and Jonesy quickly got up then sat next to you and pulled you into a hug, "What's wrong?"

"I just.. I don't want to worry you." You mumbled, trying to push back your tears.

"Let's pay for the food and get out of here, then we can talk. Sound good?"

You nodded, knowing Jonesy won't let you get out of this.

You and Jonesy went back to the Lemon, talking about what happened this morning. You managed to hold back your tears, but you still felt very upset. Especially because of all the things your boss and the customers said to you.

"I didn't want to tell you earlier because I hate worrying people." You admitted, while Jonesy hugged you close. "I also didn't want to add to your problem of getting fired from that job you liked."

"You can tell me anything, Y/N, whether I have a bad day or not." Jonesy told you, putting his chin on your shoulder. "It's going to be okay. Besides, I get fired all the time, and find jobs very easily. You will find a better job than that. Your boss always treated you horribly."

"You think so?" You asked, smiling slightly.

"I know so!" Jonesy stood up, then held out his hand, "Want to go to the amusement park? I'm sure that will cheer you up!"

You chuckled, holding his hand, "Sure!"

You and Jonesy played lots of games and rode most of the rides in the mall's amusement park. He bought you cotton candy from money he saved up, then you both got ice cream afterwards.
You knew that whenever you were with Jonesy, all your problems felt like they disappeared.

You walked out of the amusement park with Jonesy, then tiptoed to peck his cheek, "Thank you for cheering me up, and making my day better despite what happened."

Jonesy hugged you close to him, then linked his arm around you, "Anything for my girl."

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