Chapter Eleven: Class Fight

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  To Richies disappointment fall break had offically ended. Although he was sad he remembered that Thanksgiving break was in a few weeks. He began getting ready for school. He thought about the kiss him and Eddie had shared Halloween night. They hadn't seen eachother or talked since. Richie frowned because he felt that maybe he had done something wrong. Hell... maybe Eddie didn't feel the same way back.

Richie began his journey to school on his trusty old bike. He had his Walkman playing. he was playing Queen on full volume. Richie finally reached the school. He ran to class almost being late. His first class was Biology. He hated this class. He hated learning about DNA and Meiosis. To a punk teenager this shit just wasn't interesting. Richie stared out the window and daydreamed about one person of course... Eddie.


Eddie sat bored out of his mind in math. He had finished his work early and he didn't have any friends in the class. Just to make everything worse Bowers was in the class. He would always turn around and call Eddie some offensive name. However today Eddie had enough of the shit from Bowers. As soon as Bowers turned around and opened his mouth Eddie swung.

Blood was everywhere. The sound of skin making contact harshly with other skin. Bowers had Eddie pinned against the wall. He hit Eddie repeatedly until you could hardly tell who the little frail kid was. Finally the teacher got Bowers off of Eddie. Eddie held his nose blood gushing out of it furiously.

Eddie was sent to the nurse's office while Bowers was sent to the princepal. The nurse helped Eddie and patched him up. Eddie was then sent into the princepals office where he recieved the news that he was suspended for 3 weeks. Eddie tried to get out of the suspension but he knew it was final. After all Eddie did swing first.

The whole drive home Eddie's mom bichered at him saying how she raised him better. Eddie blocked her out and looked out the window. His mind only ever went to one place or should I say one person. Richie. Eddie blushed thinking about when Richie had kissed him. Eddie was too nervous to talk to Richie and he felt really bad. Eddie got home and went up to his room to sulk.


The bell finally rung and Richie bolted to the lunch room. He got his food from the variety line and sat down with the rest of the Losers.

"Have any of you seen Eddie today?" Stan asked.

Everyone shook their heads no.

"Wonder if he is sick." Ben piped in.

Richie began to get a bad feeling. Like how a mom gets when they know their child is in trouble. Richie ate his food quietly and waited for the next bell. Tozier had decided to sluff the rest of the day. He knew he'd get in trouble but Eddie meant everything to Richie. He had to find out what happened.

Richie rode his bike all the way to Eddie's house. A little out of breath Richie hopped off and began looking for pebbles. He had a few and began throwing them at Ed's window. Eddie heard and looked out his window. He felt even more confused when he saw Richie standing in his yard. He opened his window and motioned for Richie to climb in. So Richie did.

"Woah are you ok?" Richie asked urgently while holding Eddie's face gently.

Eddie began to tear up. This broke Richies heart and he embraced the small beat up boy. Eddie told Richie about everything. Eddie held Richie's hand against his cheek. Richie couldn't help but think about how beautiful Eddie was. Even when he cried. Richie leaned over and kissed Eddie's forehead. Eddie looked up and kissed Richie on the lips. They stayed like this for a while. Accepting themselves.

"I love you, Eddie," Richie said softly.

"I love you too," Eddie smiled.

They cuddled for a long time before eventually Richie had to leave. He climbed out of Eddie's window and blew him a kiss. Eddie blushed and pretended to catch it and save it for later. This made both of the boys giggle as Richie began to peddal away. Eddie missed Richie already. He was smiling like and idiot.

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