Is She on Drugs?!

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"Kyle, don't forget to pick up Ike on your way home from school today," his mother instructed.

Kyle's mother was very headstrong, but she did it out of love. As a child, Kyle would always follow his mom's given instructions without question. However, as he entered his teenage years, minor disagreements began to spark bickering between mother and son. Kyle's father often remarked that Kyle had inherited his mother's spirited nature. Being a lawyer, his father frequently traveled to meet clients, a necessity given the sparse population of their quiet little mountain town.

"Yes, Mom," said Kyle as he walked out of the house and headed towards the school.

School in the past appeared to be much simpler.  Stan and Kyle would talk for long hours, sharing interests in their favorite fandoms. The two of them along with Kenny and Cartman would spend the night at each other's houses, playing video games throughout the night. Playing pranks on that fatass Cartman, and Kenny doing stupid and daring stunts just to make easy bet money from Cartman.

The school bell signaled the end of the day as Kyle headed to his brother's classroom. Swinging the door open, Ike leaped into Kyle's arms for an enthusiastic hug.

"Kyle!" Ike exclaimed with joy.

With a tender smile, Kyle raised Ike onto his shoulders.

"Let's head home, Ike."

Kyle would cherish those memories with him forever. Ike might have been adopted, but he would always remain his beloved little brother.

A bright flash emanated from the classroom exit. Kyle's vision blurred as he slowly realized he was awakening from a dream. As his focus returned, he found himself gazing into a pair of eyes as deep as the ocean.

'Wait, ocean eyes?'


The girl with golden hair yelled in return, hurling herself against Kyle's wooden closet.

"It worked...? You're really awake! I can't believe it actually worked. This means we're destined to be together forever, right...?" she exclaimed, overwhelmed.

Bewildered by the girl, Kyle leapt to his feet, alarmed by her possible actions in his dorm room.

"What are you talking about?" Kyle insisted.

With a soft gulp, the girl started to speak, her lips as red as blood.

"You were cursed in a sleeping spell! And worried that you could have been dying, I kissed you to help break the spell before death came for you!"

Kyle couldn't believe what he was hearing.

'Is she on drugs right now? And for real, how the fuck did she get into my dorm? I had that damn door locked!' Kyle thought to himself.

"Hey, you should be thanking me! Not everyone is quick on saving just anyone that is cursed with a spell like that," she bickered, justifying her actions.

'Unbelievable! What is this girl's problem? And what is she going about curses as if she believes she lives in a fairy tale.'

Indeed, she was dressed like royalty. Her red heels and the stunning dress hugged her curves gracefully, topped with a red ribbon crown that completed her look. Her golden curls shone brighter than any star he had ever seen in the night sky, and those captivating ocean-blue eyes from earlier were mesmerizing.

'Wait a sec... am I checking her out...? Stop it, Kyle, that's not appropriate right now!'

"Please, can you just answer my question? Who are you, and why are you dressed like that? It's not normal to dress the way you do... unless I've slept through to Halloween," Kyle asked her calmly.

The girl with golden curls straightens up from her lean against the closet, visibly unsettled by the question.

"Wait... you really don't know who I am, do you?"

Kyle shakes his head in defense of her response.

"My name is Apple White, I am the daughter of Snow White, so it is only hexceptional to dress like this since I am representing my mother in a way."

'Apple White?! Like the character from the book that I've been reading?! This is crazy, I must still be asleep!'

"That's impossible, you're not Apple White!" Kyle laughed.

Appearing surprised by his reaction, she placed her delicate hand on Kyle's shoulder.

"Oh silly, of course I am! I've been myself my entire story, I'm quite certain I know who I am," she reassured him, followed by a charming giggle.

Kyle sank back onto his bed, overwhelmed with disbelief.

'This girl is crazy, there's no way she can be Apple White... '

Kyle glanced back up, taking another good look at 'Apple.'

'Well... taking in a second glance, she does fit the character description I portrayed in my mind. '

Glancing sideways, Kyle caught sight of the book he had been reading and flipped it open. He skimmed the pages until he found an illustration of his 'frenemy', Duchess Swan, frantically searching everywhere for Apple.

"Do you know where you are, Apple?" Kyle asked her.

"Of course I do! I'm somewhere in the land of Ever After. I was in my dorm when I heard a voice. It sounded very lonely and I wanted to help him. So I ventured off to find it. After a bit of searching, it led me into this strange portal, and out of it, there you were...stuck in your sleeping curse."

Kyle took a deep breath and exhaled loudly.

This can't be happening...

Kyle glanced at Apple as she examined the room.

"It's quite plain here, yet it seems really comfortable. Do you know where I can find a dwarf to assist me in settling down for the night?" she inquired.

"No, but in the real world, we refer to dwarfs as people," Kyle sighed, pondering how he was going to explain everything.

The room remained silent for a moment before a deep bass sound echoes throughout the dorm.

"Whoa...what was that? Is someone having a party?" she gasped.

"It must be stupid Kenny at his party..." Kyle grunted.

Apple's eyes sparkle with excitement.

"Ooh! Is Briar having a party? How rude of her not to tell me." She dashes out the door, heading towards the street, lured by the music.

"Apple, wait!"

Kyle chases after her, but she's already too far ahead. Snatching his orange jacket from the edge of his bed, Kyle grabs the book and hurries after her.

Looks like our hero sets out on a dangerous quest to save the poor damsel in distress. How will he do it when he can't even stand humankind itself? 

The Apple of My Eye (An Ever After High Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now