Chapter 4

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    The next morning ended up being on the uneventful side, Rina slept just fine and walked to school like any other morning. And just like any other morning, Suzu walked up to greet her once she was closer to the school.
"H-H-Hi, Rina!" She said happily, somehow even happier than she usually was.
"Hey, Suzu." Rina said, unable to stop herself from smiling, "Did you have fun yesterday?"
Suzu nodded, a faint blush going over her face.
"F-Fuyo ate so many cupcakes that she g-g-got sick again!" She said with a giggle, "And Katsuo c-carried her home."
"Did he try any cupcakes?" Rina asked.
"Yeah, he found that b-b-black licorice one that Masaru tried." Suzu said, "And he act-actually enjoyed it!"
Rina shuddered as she remembered the black cupcake, but giggled at the idea of Katsuo actually liking it.
"What ab-about you?" Suzu asked, "Did you g-g-guys go see a movie?"
"Yeah." Rina said, "We saw that one about the crazy guy wearing makeup."
"D-Did you like it?" Suzu asked.
"It was ok." Rina said, "Masaru didn't seem to like it too much. But he liked this detective character that was in it..."
"That s-sounds like him." Suzu said, smiling to herself.
"I guess you're right." Rina said, smiling as well.
"What has you two in such high spirits today?" Fuyuko asked as they approached the school entrance, crossing her arms and looking at them.
"Suzu was just telling me how you ate too many cupcakes." Rina said with a dry smirk.
"That's not true!" Fuyuko insisted, "I can handle my cupcakes just fine."
"You really can't." Katsuo said, following the girls as they passed.
"Shh!" Fuyuko put her finger in front of her mouth, "You're supposed to be on my side, big brother!"
Katsuo rolled his eyes as Rina turned to look at him.
"So, did you enjoy yourself?" She asked.
"It was...a good time, yeah." Katsuo concluded, briefly glancing at Suzu.
They looked at each other for a moment before turning away quickly, and Rina practically let out a sound from how cute watching them was.
"Maybe the two of you should hang out more often." Rina suggested, trying to be helpful to her friends' budding relationship.
"Yeah, maybe." Katsuo said, "If I'm not too bu-"
He was cut off when Rina dug her elbow into his side.
"I'd l-l-like that." Suzu said.
Fuyuko narrowed her eyes and looked between her brother and Suzu.
"What's going on here?" She asked, clearly suspicious.
"N-Nothing!" Suzu insisted.
"Am I not allowed to have friends?" Katsuo asked roughly.
"It's not that, but..." Fuyuko trailed off, "Never mind!"
She pouted and crossed her arms, and after a few moments of silence they reached the classroom.
"We'll see you at lunch." Katsuo said with a casual wave, walking away with Fuyuko.
Suzu put her hands over her face and squealed once he was a good distance away, and the two of them walked into the classroom.

    At lunch, Rina and Suzu were already sitting together when Masaru entered the room.
"Hi, M-Masaru!" Suzu said with a wave, "I heard you had f-f-fun yesterday."
"It was ok." Masaru said as he sat down, "The movie, that is."
"Did you g-guys spent the entire time m-m-making o-" Suzu was cut off quickly.
"No." Masaru said simply and casually, taking his bento from Rina.
"Did you learn anything new about the Drama Club?" Rina asked.
"I did." Masaru replied, "Apparently Kotone isn't the most popular member of the club...hence why they're keeping her out by making her lead the talent show group."
"Why would they make her lead, then?" Rina asked, "I figured the talent show would be important to them, to let everyone see their ability."
"I don't think it's an issue of talent." Masaru pointed out, "It was clear how prickly she was simply from talking to her once."
"That's true." Rina said, "'re saying she was banished to the talent show?"
"Essentially." Masaru said, "So it would stand to reason that she would be a bit sore towards the other people involved."
"So she might be s-s-sabotaging the show because she doesn't even w-want to be there?"
"It's a possibility." Masaru said, "One that we will be exploring today."
Just after he spoke, the door swung open and Fuyuko and Katsuo walked in, grabbing seats and sitting down quickly.
"What are you guys talking about?" Fuyuko asked, kicking her feet that barely touched the floor.
"We're discussing the case." Masaru said, "We have a suspect."
"Who is it?" Katsuo asked, leaning his chin in his hand.
"A girl named Kotone." Masaru replied, taking a bite of his food, "She's a member of the Drama Club, who might not be a fan of being in the talent show."
"How could you not want to be in the show?!" Fuyuko asked, "Performing on stage as people cheer you on, it sounds amazing!"
"It sounds sc-sc-scary." Suzu said quietly.
"I agree with Suzu." Rina chimed in.
"Regardless of our thoughts on it, we can't ignore her obvious distaste for her situation." Masaru said firmly.
"So what are you going to do?" Fuyuko asked.
"Just talk to her." Masaru said, "Nothing too extravagant."
"You have no plans beyond that?" Katsuo grunted.
"I have some, depending on how the situation unfolds." Masaru replied in a dull tone, "But that's irrelevant at the moment."
"I guess you're right." Rina said, and the others nodded in agreement.
The rest of lunch went on without much incident, and when it was over everyone returned to their respective classes.

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