twelve !

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Shouka shot up straight on the hospital bed, breathing heavily. Both of her arms were wrapped in bandage, reminding her of the battle beforehand. "I-I lost," she muttered to herself, then frowned, struggling to remember the reason why. Her vision wasn't 100% yet but she could see.

Recovery Girl came around the curtain, a stern look on her face, "Takuma is extremely angry with you, young lady," she chastised, waving her finger, "He told me to tell you to call him as soon as you could, but right now you need to rest."

"No, I'm fine," Shouka shook her head standing up and taking a few shaky steps. "Where's my phone?"

Recovery Girl handed it to her, Shouka grumbled to herself and walked away, absolutely fuming. "Pipsqueak? What the hell was that?" Bakugou yelled from down the hall, a headache seemed to form in her temples immediately. "Who fucking withdrew you?

"I am not in the mood," she stated simply, already knowing he thought she was pathetic for losing. She bee-lined for the girls bathroom so he couldn't corner her.

Her hands shook as she called Takuma, partially because she was in pain, and partially because she was so mad. "Shouka Obake! What did I say? Don't go overboard, and what did you do?" Takuma scolded.

"Why did you withdraw me? You-you... asshole!" She fumed, stomping her foot, "I almost had it."

"I don't know where you're learning that language from, but I know I didn't teach you it!" Takuma yelled, also angry, "I don't care how close you were, you weren't ready! You have no idea what it's like to watch you hurt yourself over and over again! For what? A stupid medal? A pro to notice you?"

Shouka's chest deflated as tears threatened to spill over, "I can do it," she whispered, "I just- in that fight I was not looking for a medal, I just wanted to prove I could do it," she choked out, her throat becoming thick.

"Look, it's my job to keep you safe. And to keep you safe I have to use my judgement, and my judgment told me to withdraw you," Takuma sighed, Shouka squeezed her eyes shut and cried silently.

"I wanted to beat him so bad," she sniffled, "He was being a jerk and prying before the fight, I wanted to show him that he was just as good as the rest of us."

"I understand that, but sometimes you don't know when to stop. You almost killed the damn kid, Shou," Takuma stated, "If he wasn't a Todoroki and you didn't move your attack, he would be dead."

Shouka slid down the stall wall and sat down, "I-I-"

"Hey, it's just going to be a back and forth if you keep trying to explain, I'll figure out what to do with you when you get home," he sighed, "I love you, kid, okay? Remember that, I'm not trying to make you upset on purpose."

"Yeah," her voice cracked, "I love you too."

Her phone's tone went off as he hung up, she put her head in her knees as she sobbed silently. "Hey, Shouka? You in her- woah!" Before Kyoka could finish, Shouka tackled her in a hug, desperately needing someone to comfort her. "It's alright, you did great."

They hugged for a bit silently, "Kyoka?" Kyoka hummed, "Is everyone scared of me now?" Shouka asked, fearful of how far she went overboard.

"No, I think they're just kinda surprised, I mean, they've never seen super badass Shouka before," Kyoka chuckled, "Let's hurry before the finals start."

"Okay," Shouka walked beside her timidly. It seemed like such a sling walk now that she was in pain, but she put on a tough-ish face.

Everyone was shocked that she was up so soon, especially after dislocating every joint in her right arm, including fingers. "Woah! You're up!" Kirishima exclaimed, hopping up and offering his chair to let Shouka sit down.

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