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A woman trudges through the melting snow, her daughter a few feet behind her. A kerosine lamp in her hand. She walks up the stone steps of the entrance to the palace, two guards flanked on either side of the girls.

The woman had come to the palace to talk to the King. She told the guards it was an urgent matter. The guards searched the woman and her daughter for any weapons on their person. When they were deemed clean, they were allowed to see the king.

The two large doors open into a hallway. They walk down the hallway to a throne room. There, the King sits atop his throne, looking regal and well put together. He stares, uninterested, down at the woman and her daughter.

"What is so urgent," The King says, "That you had to speak to me in the middle of the night?"

"I would like to join your pack," The woman says, puffing out her chest in pride. "I have information that could very much help you. I come from King Asmodeus' pack."

The king sits forward in his throne, intrigued.

"Well..go on."

"I can help you take down King Asmodeus' kingdom and kill his pathetic family. You can have two kingdoms all to yourself to rule over. You will be a very powerful man."

"And why would you want to help me?"

"My previous husband is a part of Asmodeus' pack. He refused to help his family, me and his daughter, choosing to mate with some whore who happens to be part of the royal family through the young prince's mate. I want all of them dead. And you can help me. You have an army by your side, and I have crucial information about the palace. My mate is a nobleman, he told me plenty of information about the palace. He thinks women are stupid and do not know anything, but I know far more than I lead on."

"Alright... if you can prove your self worthy then you may stay and assist me. I must warn you, if you try to betray me, I will make sure your death is painful."

The woman swallows thickly, curtsying in respect to show that she understands.

"I want the girl gone," The King says, motioning to the woman's daughter's shivering form. "If you are going to stay here and assist me in my plans, then I want you to get rid of the girl. You do not need her anymore."

The woman glances down at her pup by her side. The girl shakes her head frantically and backs away from her mother.

"No, mama... No!"

"Alright. Do what you wish with my daughter. I do not care what happens to her. She will only hinder our plans."

"Has she kept her innocence?" The King asks, glancing at the petrified little pup.

"Of course. She is only nine."

"She can be sold for a pretty penny. Take her away and sell her to the highest bidder. Perhaps a nobleman will buy her. They have too much money then they know what to do with. Make sure that everyone knows that she is never to be set free. Once she is theirs they can either sell her or keep her forever. They can do what they wish to her."

"No! Mommy, please do not let them hurt me! Please, mommy! Why?!"

The little girl screams as she is dragged out of the throne room by the guards. Crying out to her mother who never cared for her.

"Hmm...." The King's eyes wander over the woman's body. She was not bad looking. Her clothes looked expensive, her makeup was heavy, and her voluptuous breasts spilled over the top of her corset top. He could easily bed a woman like this. She was easy on the eyes. He could use a new wife since he executed his mate. She dared to try to plot against him. All because she wanted her son, a traitor to his own people, to be safe and back home with him.

"What is your name?"

"Angelica, Your Majesty."

"Please, no need for formalities. You may call me Blake..."

*Summary of the sequel will be up soon.*


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