Chapter 28

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AN:// hey guys so thanks all who are reading my apologies for not updating come after but I have a dedication....
I don't know how to dedicate chapters soooo.....

I love you soooo much CherrybomBJo she guys it was her idea about the blue eyes thing. It's an awesome and it's to be developed and we are kinda doing like a collab thing so go follow her cuz she's amazing and read her stories.

So she gets creds for this chapter!!!

Chapter 28
Jean's POV

I can't believe it, Kristy saved my life. After everything I'd done to her and now I understood everything she was meant to be the leader. I can't be mad at her for that. I can't believe I called her Kristina.


I'm a horrible friend.

I need to go find her.

Kristy's POV

**knock knock**

It was jeans voice. I look at the door and respond weakly

"Come in"

"Oh Kristy I know I was mad at you and I was being a jerk and calling you your full name I'm just so I'm so" I heard a sniffle I haven't looked up at her yet. So I look at her in the eyes.

"Oh my gosh!!!!"

We scream.

Wow I was not expecting that

"Kristy your eyes... They are they're"

"BLUE!! Extremely blue omg yours too!!"

"We have to go get help"

Brie starts walkin out the door so I get out of bed to follow her but as soon as I take a step I fall to the ground


"Oh Kristy! Stay there, don't move I'm going to get help okay?"


(AN:// sorry had to)

Brie's POV

People change.
They're appearances,
They're attitudes,
They're emotions,
And they're way of looking at they're life.

But how can it possibly change at once.

Looking in the mirror after the fight I was different.

I have always had blue eyes but they were like a sea green looking at my eyes in the mirror they were...


I heard Jean bust through my door.
"Kristy's eyes are electric blue!"

I turn around to look at Jean and I take a step back looking at her.

"Jean?! What happened to you?!"

"I don't know all of our eyes are blue. But you have to come to kristy's room. She can't move it's like all her energy is just drained."

Jean and I run as fast as we can to Kristy's room to find her laying down on the floor.

"Kristy! Are you ok?" I hear myself saying.

"Yeah it's just I'm sooo tired, it's like I have no energy left"

I walk over to her limp body and go sit down next to her, Jean does the same. The room got really quiet until we heard Tyler's voice fill the quiet and empty halls and rooms.

"Team meeting in five minutes. Don't skip, don't be late, this is important. Be in the dinning hall in five"

Jean and I looked at each other we knew exactly what to do. We moved like we were in sync, like we really were twins. Lifting Kristy's limp body onto our shoulders.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~AN:// hellluuuuuu.
I'm. So. Sorry. To my five readers.

Come on people. Obviously something is wrong here other then my lack of updating. (Ya I know I'm a terrible person)

But we are all going to work in unison to get me to 2k reads by Christmas. Deal?

I beg of you. Advertise on wattpad, Instagram, twitter, facebook, tumblr, please just anything that will get me reads love you guys 😘

Also follow my music account and tell me you are from wattpad and I'll follow back 😊

K bye


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