8. Nova (Fantasy vs. Reality)

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Toni was right there in the flesh as soon as I walked out of the front door.

"Good you actually listened to me,"

"I mean why wouldn't I? You sounded scared as shit last night man. What's going on?"

I didn't sound scared as shit. I was scared as shit. There's a difference! I kept contemplating all last night about whether or not I should tell Toni about what happened. I mean he is my best-friend and the only person I trust undoubtedly. I hope I'm not wrong though. If he thinks I'm crazy I can just say goodbye to the only true and long-lasting friend I've ever had.

"Something's been going on with me. For a while now, actually. I don't know what it is. But it's starting to effect me, physically. I just can't keep this bottled up anymore. I figured if I was to tell anyone, it would be you."

"Well, well, well. Don't I feel special?" Toni joked.

"This isn't funny man! I'm serious. I don't know what's going on with me."

Just then someone walked out. Nikasa.

"What're you dorks doing outside the door? Are you two riding with me or what? If you are hurry along, I'm gonna stop by to get cigarettes before school."

"No worries," I said to Nikasa. She looked unamused and expressionless, per usual. "Toni and I are going to burn some extra weight and walk today."

"Alright later losers."

And with that she was gone.


"Wait, wait, wait,"

Toni began as we started our expedition to school.

"So you're telling me that you've magically retrieved some psychic mental ability where you can potentially see the future? I mean, do you know how crazy you sound right now? I mean, how far into the future? A couple days? Months? Years? Centuries?"

He's starting to get on my nerves now. Why did I even bother telling him?

"Why would I make this up man? What good would lying about this possibly do for me? Somehow someway someone must've tampered with my brain while I was asleep and gave me these unprecedented abilities. I don't know where they came from! All I know is that I don't want it."

"Dude are you serious right now?"

Toni said jumping up and down in the air.

Is this a game to him? He's already six foot five and has gotten himself hit in the head way more times than I can count.

"You're telling me that you've just gotten some magical super-abilities, like some Peter fucking Parker type shit. You could be the new Spider-Man!"

Um no. I don't think so. This isn't a Spider-Man or any Marvel's superhero's situation. This is something completely obsolete, and I'm just trying to get to the bottom of it.

"Listen dude,"

Toni unnervingly said to me, while stopping us both in our tracks. Great, now we're going to be late for school.

"Even if you are telling the truth, how am I supposed to believe you? How do I know whether these visions you're having are just fragments of your subconscious mind?"

Is he shitting me right now? Don't you think I know that? I'm the one who's been trying to tell myself that same exact thing!

"Okay now you listen," I said in all seriousness. I looked up at Toni. Even though it weren't eye to eye, he knew I meant business when I started talking in monotone. "Last night I didn't have a dream. How could you begin to explain the fact that I was dreaming standing up, in the bathroom, at midnight, all the while looking at myself in the mirror. Can you explain that? Don't even answer, it's rhetorical."

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