Highschool AU pt 2

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Warning: just in case some people might not like it, I just wanted to say that Dan is in this chapter, and he might show up in future ones. That's it... Ahhh-
(See notes at the end)

It's been a few months since Stephen had joined their class. Nothing has really changed except for the fact that he and Hosuh have been warming up to each other a lot more than anyone had expected. Dan, however, only liked Stephen because he knew he'd make his best friend happy. Nothing in particular about the boy has caught his interests. Not even his oddly colored hair. That was until one day...

Stephen has been a bit more fidgety and jumpy than usual which obviously caught the attention of everyone.

"S-Stephen.." Hosuh had asked a bit fidgety himself. His fingers played with the loose string on his hoodie as a faint blush coated his pale cheeks. "A-are you okay? You seem a bit..."

Stephen perked up at the sound of the boys voice and faced the opposite direction. "I- uhm y-yeah....you know nothing in particular-" was his reply.

"You sound so stupid right now" Dan interrupted, a smug smile plastered onto his overly confident face.

"Shutup Daniel!" Stephen sneered back.

Hosuh giggled, relieved to see Stephen reverted back to normal. He wasn't the only one.

"Now there's the Stephen we know an love!" Their most recent addition to the group piped up, putting his arm around Dan's shoulder.

Dan seemed to stiffen at the sudden contact and his face grew hot.

"J-jay! You scared me!"

Dan's face turned an even darker shade of red, if even possible, from jays questioning gaze to Stephen's uncontrollable laughter.

"Who sounds stupid now! Danny boy~" Stephen mocked in between not so subtle chokes and chuckles.

"Yeah, yeah, laugh it up" Dan growled, casually shrugging jay off of his shoulder.

"Oh, Dan," Jay asked, ignoring the whole scene that had played out in front of him not even a minute ago.

"Wanna hang out after school today? I just got some new games and wanted to try them out."

Dan's gaze softened at the normal formality's and he shrugged. "Dunno, it depends" he looked around at the small group of people huddled together at his desk. "Anybody know what day it is?"

At hearing the word "day" Stephen sprung into an uncontrollable coughing fit. The two boys that were previously in a conversation stared at him with amused expressions, unbeknownst to the only male that looked on in concern.

"Stephen! Are you okay? D-do you need some water of something!?"

Stephen began coughing even louder as Hosuh tried to touch him. Finally, with his back facing Hosuh and his eyes glaring at Daniel he replied, "February 13th" and without a second thought he stormed to his desk and slammed his head down on it repeatedly. This is what the class saw as fidgety and jumpy, and Daniel just about figured out the cause.

"Ah!" Thé anxious boy with silver-like hair yelled, staring at the scene with worry.

"Oh~" Dan purred, a pleased smile formed on his lips.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2020 ⏰

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