Chapter 11

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It’s easy to turn a blind eye to things when you’re sleepwalking through your life. All I had to do was maintain the façade for another few weeks and it would be over. The news came through at about 5 am on the 25th. The phone rang and I answered it. Speaking through bleary eyes to the manager of the promotional tour the details became clear. While in the Serbian leg of the tour, Trent had surprised a burglar in his hotel room, no doubt after the expensive laptop/clothes/watch that he carried with him on these sorts of trips.
The girl who was with him could only confirm that she’d seen someone shoot him and then escape via the window. Naturally everyone in the company was upset and rallied around me as the definitive figurehead of the organisation. The software was launched in a blaze of publicity as a result of Trent’s death – the memorial service was particularly touching.
Liz took his death badly – her behaviour became increasingly erratic. Mood swings, increased alcohol consumption and prolonged periods of isolation within the house. I tried as best as I could to help her through this, however it was only prolonging the inevitable.

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