Chapter 1: Damnification

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Operation Sarcophagus

Location: Madrid, Spain; City Outskirts

Time: 18:46 PM

Mission Status: Active

Harry POV

As the monitors in front of me portrays the current operation, I see the enemies fall in front of my operators as they clear the sewer entrance to the fortress deep in the slums.

The shielded operator leading the charge as they enter and push up into the very center of the citadel, with the red-head operator close behind. The veiled operator follows shortly behind with SMG scanning every possible angle where the opposition could come from , followed suit by the hacker.

Finally, as I look towards another monitor I see the yellow-suited man bring up his wrist monitor. Suddenly I feel the truck start to shake as pulses are sent from the flying drone in the sky above. The mission proper had begun.

Lion POV

"Big Brother coming in for overwatch," I say as I activate my EE-ONE-D. I feel the pulses beneath my feet as I start to see markers on my HUD.

"Stay close everyone, there is quite a few of them around." Montagne says as he starts to move through the halls of the complex.

We move single file down the corridor, splitting of into rooms as they appear.

I move into what seems to be a kind of torture chamber. Blood stained concrete floor with only a grate window giving the room a red hue.

I visibly recoil at the stench as I move through the room. From the middle of the ceiling hangs a metal chain ended with a meat hook. A corpse lays against one of the walls.

"Lion, see any..." Ash asks as she suddenly coughs and swats the air in front of her face as she enters the room. "Jesus, what happened in here?" She continues.

"Don't use his name like that!" I snap at her.

"Ok," Ash recoils as she starts to explore this place of pain.

"Torture chamber. Horrible, but I have seen one much worse in Sudan."
I say remembering the horrors which is my past.

As we search the room I feel around the cabinets at the torturing utensils.

"Madmen, aren't they? I can't even imagine what they did to the people down here." I say as pick up a bloodied sickle. "How can people be so sick?"

"That's just how these people are, sadistic. That's why we're doing this. To stop them." Ash says as she starts to move out of the room. "We should go to the others, the mission isn't over yet."

"Yeah," I say as I start to go towards the door. Suddenly I feel something grip my boot. "Putain!" I shout as I see the corpse's hand clamped to my ankle.

"Help me," the corpse says in a raspy, barely audible voice.

I turn to the man, or whatever is left him and start to try to apply first aid.

"Sir, don't move I'll have you..."

"No, don't. Please put me out of this misery. I don't want this burden anymore," He utters out in between coughs.

I stand there dazed at the man's request. I can see the pain in his one remaining eye. He seems to have been laying here for atleast a week.

"Are you sure?" I ask hesitantly as I know the burdens of taking a life.

"It's all I yearn for," He says exhausted.

I slowly unholster my P9 and start to take aim. "May God bless your soul."

"Thank you," the man says. A hint of a smile on his lips.

"Lion, you coming?" Ash ask as she moves into the doorway, but gasps at the sight.

My finger tightens and I pull the trigger.

I see Ash run towards the now dead man. I can see she is shocked at what I just did. Who blames her. I'd have done the same. She turns to me and grabs my vest.

"How the fuck could you do such a thing!?! We are here to protect the innocent, not murder them. You took a code of honour. To serve and protect. Does that not mean anything to you!?!" She berates me of my action.

I already know that this act of mercy will not be remembered as such but as one that will damn me for the rest of my life. I decide against replying.

I start to walk out of the room as Ash once again looks at the dead man. She follows shortly still with ire in her eyes.

I know that there will be no possibility of real friendship between us in the future. It's always been like this through my entire life. When i was young and dumb with Claire.
Or in trying to save lives in West Africa with Gustav. Even in Rainbow with the scuffles with Mike.

I'm always the one who gets the short stick. The scapegoat. I'm sick and tired of it. I don't want to be the punching bag anymore.

We regroup with the rest of the team right infront of the main office door.

"What happened to you two? We were starting to get worried." Dokkaebi asks as she spots us approaching their position.

"I'll explain after the mission," Ash says in a harsh tone with a glare in my direction.

"So the target is in there?" I ask Montagne as he is standing close to the door, ready to force his way into the room.

"Yep, Grace has already gotten into the cams and verified it's him." Montagne says as he puts up his shield. "Let's do this."

"Launching the tracking drone," I say as the ground pulses once again.

At the same time the door is kicked down by Nøkk and Montagne enters with Ash close on his heels.

Ash domes two hostiles, while the rest of the team shuffles into the office all aiming our weapons at the figure at the desk.

The man, middle-aged, with tanned skin and black hair stares at us with vigilant eyes, looking for weakness.

The .44 Magnum revolver on his desk shows the potential threat he poses to the team.

"Dr. Cortez, you are under arrest for acts of murder, kidnapping and terrorism. Please put your hands behind your head or there will be consequences," Ash says to the target which somehow still remains calm.

"You know why I started working for these people, right? To bring true freedom to people. To see the corruption removed from this world.
Complete Bullshit." He says in the motion of putting his hands behind his head.

"I just like to see the life leave a person's eyes as they die. I crave it. I'll see it soon once again. In your eyes!" He shouts as he grabs the revolver.

Before he could do anything else, he slumps down in his chair with a hole through his head.

Everyone looks shocked towards me and the smoking barrel of my V308.

Ash's expression changes from shocked to anger.

"We were supposed to capture him alive you idiot. He had valuable information. I understand now why everyone hates you. Always thinking of yourself." Ash says before turning around and walking of to report the mission outcome.

I just stand there. Looking at the dead doctor. Suddenly I feel a hand grab my shoulder. I turn to see Gilles.

"You did the right thing," he says before starting to walk of towards evac zone.

I give one last look towards the dead doctor and turn towards the door. I sling my rifle on my back and move to catch up to Gilles.

Hello everyone.
This is the first chapter of my new book. Any feedback is appreciated.
I would love to hear your thoughts on the topic of this book.

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