11. The Seal

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Nero sat next to Vergil. His father's face was pale white like a corpse. Purple veins crawled across his skin. The poison slowly spread through his body. Sometimes he would groan in pain, fighting whatever appeared in his dream. Nero held his hand to reassure him everything was fine in real life.

"Nero, you should take a rest."

He heard a gentle voice called him. Kyrie stood next to the door and walked to his side. Her boyfriend has stayed awake for three days to take care of his father. She was concerned about his health.

"You should listen to the girl, kiddo. You look awful."

Dante entered the room. He sat down next to his nephew.

"I cannot sleep..." He shook his head. "I just met him, and I lost him. If he were gone then I..." His words was stuck in his throat. Nero did not want to think of the possibility. The guilt never disappeared after they lost Credo. He did not want to lose another family.

Dante stared at his older brother, "You get rid of your nightmare, but you gain a new one. This is truly tragic. "

"Any good news, Dante?"

"There is a demon wrecking the city. I also found the last person on the list. They are in the same area. Let's go complete the orb and give it to the cranky lady."

Both headed off to the next mission. Nero turned his head to his partner before leaving, "Please watch Vergil for me."

Kyrie smiled at both of them. "Don't worry. I'll look after him."

Dante and Nero jumped to the van. Nico drove them at full speed. While they were on the street, Dante asked Nero an unexpected question. "So, when are you going to have the wedding?"

Nico snorted from laughing. Nero almost choked on his drink. The white-haired boy blushed. He was embarrassed by the question.

"I-I don't know. I need to buy her a wedding ring first. She deserves the best one."

Nico grinned, "I could make the ring! Just give me the gold."

Dante agreed. "Hey, that's a good idea."

Time passed as they were talking. Three of them arrived saw a slightly bigger Hell Judecca. Apparently, the pieces of the orb were scattered around Fortuna. The demon became more powerful when it absorbed the crystal. After finished slaying the demon, they heard a scream. Nero and Dante ran to the main street and saw a man with a monstrous hand next to a corpse. Their target grunted in pain.

Dante groaned. "Oh, no. Don't tell me he's going to transform in here! This is a residential area!"

"Better finish him now before he turns then!"

"Go finish the guy, I'll evacuate this place."

Nero nodded and left him. He eventually found a man in the middle of transformed. Nero was hesitated to fight him. Other than his monstrous arm, his enemy still looked like a human. "Can we... just talk it out?"

That person screamed and rushed to attack him. His indecision almost caused his own life. That man grasped his body with full strength. Nero wriggled his way out and released from the death grip. The assault snapped him to reality. Despite his appearance, they were no longer a human.

The man jumped and trying to crush him with his hand. The quarter demon dodged it and counterattacked with Blue Rose. At this point, his opponent arms and legs had been demonized. After several minutes of battle, that man finally turned into a full demon. He stopped moving sluggishly and had faster pacing in his strike. That man smashed concretes and threw rubbles at him.

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