What life has taught me so far..

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People never really learn anything by being told, they have to find out for themselves.

Life is like grapes, sweet and sour. The best you could do was bite into one and hopefully it would turn out sweet.

Life's a myth that bad things happen to bad people, but when it happens to good people you have to take it with a smile. Like Robert Frost said, the best way in life is through..

You never know where life may take you the very next second. Life is full of suprises.

If you want to live happily and with no disappointments, then let me tell you one of the most important lessons which life has taught me. DO NOT EXPECT.

So it is with other people and more so, with people we are close to. We expect so much out of them, not realizing how much we take for granted that they will live up to our expectations, no matter what. And when they’re unable to do so, we feel so hurt. But thinking about it, what really hurts? Is it them not being able to cater to us, or our expectations being let down? Most often, it’s about our expectations being let down. When we expect less, it becomes easier to feel happy about even when the small things that people do for us. When our expectations of life are low, our sense of achievement derived from the little things we accomplish is high.

Whenever I expect I just give a pep talk to my own self that in the end it will be only me who will get hurt. Life is too short to frown. So it is better to forget about what others want from us and do what makes us happy. Because in the end I’m sure you do not want to regret, not living your living your life to the fullest.


Hey there *waves frantically*

I just thought of writing what life has taught me so far. I don't know if it's good or no.

Please let me know what you guys think of it. 

And whether I should continue it or not. 

Thanks and love. 


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