What happened?

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Bryan POV

Darkness surrounded me and I remember what actually happened to the others.

Demon:Hey Bryan

Bryan:So this is what happened?


Bryan:Guess it would of happened sooner or later

Demon:Yeah also congrats on getting love

Bryan:Hehe I know he's really nice

Demon:He's also immortal!

Bryan:Yeah so we can be together for ever

Demon:But you probably want to now what happened?

Bryan:Yeah please

Demon:Well you killed them~


Demon:And ate them~


Demon:Well bye!

Bryan:NO YO-

I hit my head against something or well someone. I opened my eyes and saw Mario.

Bryan:Thanks Mario

Mario:It's Ok but what happened?

Bryan:I actually don't now...

Mario:So you at least remember what happened?

Bryan:Yeah the people I was with was never really

Mario:Well at least we don't need to worry about them

Bryan:Yeah your right~

I smiled a Mario as he let me go.

Zylo:Come on lovebirds it's time to go

Bryan:But what about CG?

Mario:I think we should leave her here so she is safe


CG:Are you leaving me Bryan...Mario

Mario:I promise we'll come back and get you

CG:Ok but can I talk to Bryan first...alone

Everyone leave except for me.

Bryan:So what is it CG

CG:Well Bryan can you take me with you

Bryan:But yo-

CG:I now you are an SCP Bryan

Bryan:Fine but you won't be using your physical body


After doing the soul transfer I left the room.

Mario:What happened in their?

Bryan:CG wanted me to sing her to sleep before we leave

Mario:You can sing?!

Bryan:Yeah it gets boring in here so why not sing~

Mario:I should do that since it gets lonely doing tests

Bryan:I'll changed that after this~

I stick my tongue out and start walking to the lift.

SCP-Bryan 《Complete》Where stories live. Discover now