Chapter 02 *+Opening+*

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A/n Hey guys chapter 2 here! Again you'll need my spotify list! When you see this sign *+* play the song called: Kingdom dance - from "Tangled"/score. About the dance in here i won't put in what moves she will be doing just think of it as a very boring waltz! I will put in what she is thinking oh and this book will mostly be in Lucy's Pov.

*+Lucy Pov+*

I woke up. Feeling the same as always... Not human I don't know what it is but how my life is I just don't feel human. It's pretty much always the same. 1) wake up. 2) get dressed in stupidly hard to walk in dresses. 3) eat the smallest pieces of everything. 4) dance. 5) sleep. 6) if i can go out to the dock. 7) get back and actually sleep. That's my every day life. I hate it. Today is that stupid openings dance that i have to do. Don't get me wrong I love dancing but not the kind my father and everyone else expect from me. I like dancing freely not perfect or any of that. I hate having to have my head held high.

I was knocked out of my little chat in my head when a maid knocked on my door. "Hime are you awake? I have your dance clothes for the opening here. Can i come in?" my favorite maid Virgo said. "Come in Virgo!" I said. She came in with this less poofy and more manageable.

(this is the dress)

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(this is the dress)

"Arigato Virgo! It looks better then my normal dresses. Atleast i'll be able to dance in this" I said giggling. Virgo just left. 'welp someone got out of bed with the wrong foot i guess' i thought. I put on the dress. It fit perfectly. It is a bit heavy but nothing this girl can't manage. "Lucy, it's time for the dance'' my other maid says. "ok I'm coming'' ok i take this back. THIS DRESS IS A ABSOLUTE NIGHTMARE. I keep tripping over this stupid dress. But i have to keep this dress... SO AnOYiNG i softly chuckled.

"oh wow my daughter you look so beautiful!" my father said for the first time ever. He doesn't care. He just wants me to look full of pride. But to be honest i'm a coward. I just want to be on the sea not this stupid platform as if i'm better then everyone here. Whilest that is complete and utter bull crap i'm the same as any other human here. The only diffrence is that my father is the govener. "Lucy it's time"

I stand in my beginning pose. The curtains open and the song starts. *+*. I hate this. I hate this stupid boy i'm dancing with. 'Smile Lucy put on that fake smile. Be perfect. Come on you have done this for bloody 17 years. HOW about another year and another and another. Come on anybody see how miserable i am. Anybody please! ANYONE! Hold you're head up Lucy. Be that perfect person.'

The boy 'accidentally' touched my butt. 'Still smile Lucy don't break. I'ts almost over. This horrible thing is almost over.' I look through the crowd and see a few peculiar people in the crowd. One looks awfully alot like the dude from yesterday. 'the lift is coming.' the boy picked me up and placed me down. The ending pose. 'Smile Lucy SMILE the brightest ever. The FAKEST smile ever you can do this. Hold your head high. And.... Bow. Finally finished'

"That was a beautiful dance thank you Lucy and Loke for doing this beautiful dance." my father says. I sit in a chair at the end furthest away of anybody. I look around boredly and see the dude again. This time he's watching me...? creep! "Now everyone listen. The reason i called everyone here is because we have here the key to the chest of wishes. If you don't know the chest of wishes. Is where anyone who opens it can get 3 wishes. I doesn't matter what it is. It will be and will always be fulfilled."

The doors burst open. "We will be taking that key." A dude with black hair said. "And who are you?" my father asked. "My name is Rogue Cheney second in command on the sabertooth ship. Or also known as one of the twin dragons" 'Rogue' said. I slowly stood up. And walked over to him. "Lucy no!'' my father said. I ignored him. "Well Rogue, why do you need it? If i may ask. Don't want to sound rude now do I" I said. This Rogue dude looked at me in kind of a shock. "Well Blondy-" "the names Lucy get it right!" i interrupted him. "Well Lucy"he spit out as if my name was venom to him. "we want those 3 wishes. Even if I have to kill everyone here. Starting with you." he said calmly

"Do as you please. My life is bad anyway. But those 3 wishes aren't supposed to end up in the hands of an asshole like you. So i'm asking again. What do you want with the key?" I say very sternly giving him a glare. He gulped. "I need it for those three wishes. Blondy" He grabbed his sword. I was ready for inpact but right before it could hit me. That pink haired boy from yesterday jumped in with a SWORD! Is he a pirate? "Salamander. Saving a girl I see. I was waiting until you would reveal yourself" Rogue said taunting THE SALAMANDER. "Get out of here blondy! Get as far as possible your a target for the sabers now. Trust me!" Salamander said. I nodded and ran out before I ran out i said. "THE NAMES LUCY!" i screamed.

I didn't know where to go so I went to the docks. The only place I ever feel save. I sat in the same spot again as always looking out to the waters. I didn't even notice when but i eventually fell asleep. I think I fell asleep because the sleeves acted kind of like a pillow since they are so long! I dreamed about the ocean and it's many secrets.



BOOM! chapter 2 done Lucy was a badass this chapter.

Question of the day: if you could be any character (even from movies or tv shows) who would you be? My answer i would probably Hermione Granger in year 3 because she has the time turner so i could always cheat my way around that single day!

word count of this chappie: 1126

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