Chapter 04 *+Fight+*

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A/n Hey guys today is the fight of Lucy vs Captain Natsu/Salamander. I have a few EPIC songs in my playlist there all after each other so Play it and read this chapter! I hope you will enjoy. You can start it imediatly the first song of my epic songs is he's a pirate launchpad version! And when you see this *+* play warrior from Beth Crowley!

*+Lucy Pov+*

I'm super nervous. I'm going up against THE Salamander. Natsu looked rather impressed at how I just turned in the same as I was before. In the outfit Erza gave me. He also was only wearing his pirate atire. "You ready Luce?" "The name LUCY! What's so hard about that"I exhaled.

 I looked at his breathing. I looked at his weapon. The same as what I had. "3"everyone said. "2" "1" I looked focused "ATTACK" Natsu started his first attack. He came dashing forward with his sword ready to attack. If i'm honest that was predictable. I stepped to the side and cut his arm with my sword. Not hard just a small scratch. He once again looked shocked. Then smirked. "Your better then I thought Blondie. I'll win though" He chuckled. I jumped onto the railing. He looked confused. I dashed towards him and just before I was infront of him I front flipped behind him and said "Check and mate"I pulled out my gun too just to be sure.

He once again looked shocked. Out of no where flames surrounded him. 'What the crap! Flames!? This is unfair! I don't have magic' He got free while I was being mad at him in my head. He came behind me "Boo" He wispered in my ear. I screamed really loud. He started laughing his butt off. I took this oppertunity and kicked him where the sun don't shine. Not exactly there but so close it would hurt like a butt cheeck on a stick. He crouched down. Once again flames surounded him. He now looked angry. "Lucy Heartfilia. You're gonna die!" He started maliciously attacking me. I stopped most of them.

One got me hard on my stomach. It hurt like hell. He got me on the floor and said "Giving up?" I wanted to say yes so bad but didn't that would only please him. I don't want to feed his ego. *+*

I remembered something my mom used to sing to me. I hummed it. It gave me power. I stood up. Stopping Natsu's little victory smirk. I picked up my sword and screamed. "I don't care how many times i'll fall, how many times i'll be defeated. I will and I swear i'll someday defeat you!" I Attacked. I was so fast he didn't see it coming. Dashed kicked him in the knees he fell down. Once again he put fire around him. "You coward hiding behind your fire! Come on fight me woman to man. Or are you scared you'll lose?"I said taunting him. I still know i will lose even without his fire. But I want a fair fight.

He put out his fire. "I will still win. I'm not gonna lose to you."He said. I nodded "I know you'll win. But I will someday defeat you even if it is the last thing I do!" I dropped my sword and admitted defeat. He looked shocked. "You Lucy Heartfilia, your a tough one but definatly a warrior. Your gonna be a high warrior. You sweetheart" kneels infront of me. (i'm still bowing and kneeling down)he takes his hand and lifts my head up. "Your from now on the most inportant woman on this ship your gonna be my mate." He said with all seriousness. He takes my hand and goes to his quarters.

"I-I-I-I'm very sorry, but I can't possibly be your mate! I just know you. And I think your a big meanie. And I don't even like you." I said turning my face away from him. "Well ok. Until your in love with me you will be my lucky charm. If I need you you come. You don't need to do any kind of work on the ship. You just need to be by my side when I need you. Oh and by the way the whole mate thing you don't need to make love to me. Mate means girlfriend. I'm a dragonslayer so I have one mate my whole intire life and I feel that that person is supposed to be you." He said. "Don't get me wrong but I don't think i'm in love with you yet either. It's just like Gajeel he knew before he fell inlove who his mate was." He explained.

I nodded shyly. "I'm heading back to my quarters if you don't mind?" I said quietly. "Oh no you don't your sleeping with me now. My lucky charm needs to stay with me at all times so I know your safe!" He said like a child. I started blushing. I think I look like a tomato. "C-C-C-Can we please not d-d-d-do that? I want some privacy" I said. "Nope you're staying with me! Deal with it." He grinned like an idiot. I huffed. "Where is the bed?" He pointed towards a back room. HE HAD A DOUBLEBED. I jumped on it in joy. it's so soft! Even the bed sheets are soft and warm! I love this bed. "N-N-Natsu?" I waited for a response. "Yes?" He eventually said. "Can I sleep in you're bed it's so soft, nice and warm!" he chuckled then said a quick yes. I think he walked out the quarters.

'I think today was one of the craziest days of my life. i woke up on the sea. I'm part of THE FAIRY TAIL CREW. I sang and danced in front of them. I finally made some friends. I have a family. I fought the captain. Now i'm supposedly the mate of that very same captain. And now i'm his 'lucky charm' no idea still what that means. I don't think I did anything supposedly lucky today. And now i'm laying in this super soft, warm and nice bed!' I think I will enjoy my stay here. Even though the captain is a bit anoying.

I don't know when but I fell asleep. I hope tomorrow is a bit better then today. Today was surely eventfull! 


A/n I hope this chapter made sense. I loved writing this chapter. But it is one of my least favorites ahha

We'll have to wait on what happens with our 2 beloved friends Natsu and Lucy.

Question of the day: If you had to choose any otp (from any show/movie/anime anything) who would you choose? 

My answer: I would choose Nalu I think. I have alot of Otp -_- so I really don't know

word count this weird chapter: 1132 words!

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