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Jill and Annie had just left to head back to L.A and I had to be back on set tomorrow. The break was good while it lasted. Danielle and Kaylee said when they get back they had something they needed to tell me so in the meantime I went to the gym at the apartment.


When I came back Kaylee and Danielle were here making dinner.

"Woah you guys are cooking this better be something serious," I said putting my bag down on the island top.

"Yeah, it is. " Kaylee said obviously she was very worried

"Ohh keeping secrets are we, Ms. Russel," I said making a joke out of this. It was very tense.

"I have a sister." She said and that's how I knew how serious this whole situation was. Danielle never talked about her family.

"Is she sick or something?" I asked worryingly.

"I don't think so. When I started auditioning it was to get away from my parents. They were abusive. Clarissa probably doesn't remember she was too young but my dad used to get drunk, high anything and would hit mom, throw things at me. It got so bad were my aunt had to take us in for a bit. Then he got better they went to couples therapy. Soon after he went right back to his old ways and ended up drinking again. He never did anything to me or Clarissa but I just couldn't take it anymore then I left. Apparently my dad got arrested and my mom is possibly under investigation for child neglect but Clarissa and my mom don't know that. She's gonna be staying with us." She said and I was confused.

"Clarissa as in Clary Andrews is your sister?" I said and Danielle looked confused.

"How do you know her." She asked. Wow, she really shut her family our of her life. 

"She has a youtube channel. She and Annie know each other because of all the youtube conventions. Vidcon, Playlist, CVX stuff like that. I heard about the arrest its all over teen gossip sites." I said.

"Do they know why?" She asked in a panic

"No, they don't even that it's your dad too." I said and she calmed herself down.

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