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"Tae, wake up!" Jeongyu rattled Taehyung's shoulders, the latter screaming with his eyes still squeezed shut.

Feeling helpless, the younger raised a hand. "Sorry about this, bro."

Inhaling sharply, Jeongyu slapped Taehyung across the face which instantly jolted him awake. His breathing was rapid and his forehead perspired with cold sweat.

"Wh-what happened? Where am I?" he panted.

Jeongyu cupped both of Taehyung's cheeks, forcing him to look straight ahead. He noticed the sheer terror in his brother's brown orbs.

"Hey, Tae it's okay. You were having a bad dream but you're at home. You're safe now."

Taehyung finally relaxed as his shoulders drooped. "Where's Hobi?"

Jeongyu retracted his hands from the elder's face. "He went home about an hour ago. Neither of us wanted to disturb you in your sleep. You were practically drooling, bro."

Both boys chuckled lightly before Jeongyu checked his watch. "Oh damn, it's almost 7:30. You should probably take your nightly pill."

Taehyung nodded. "I'll go fix you something to eat so you're not swallowing it on an empty stomach," Jeongyu said, standing up.

The silver-haired man grabbed his dongsaeng's wrist, making the latter turn around and meet his puppy-like gaze.


"Yes, Tae?"

"Thank you for taking care of me. I know I'm a total mess and as the older sibling, I should be taking care of you but this stupid disorder keeps getting in the way-"

"Hyung, stop." Jeongyu cut off Taehyung's rambling and lifted him off the couch by the arm. He placed both hands on the elder's shoulders.

"Do not think for one second that this is your fault and you're somehow burdening me or simply becoming another weighted responsibility. I wouldn't have offered to move in if I didn't want to. Plus, who cares if I'm younger? The scale tips both ways. I enjoy spending time with you, even with your ailment. You're my big brother and I love you no matter what."

Taehyung's emotions spiraled after hearing Jeongyu's touching speech. With a boxy smile extending his lips and tears pooling inside his doe eyes, he encased the younger in a secure hug. Jeongyu didn't hesitate to return the embrace.

"I love you too, Jeongyu. Please don't ever abandon me," Taehyung sniffled.

Jeongyu began rubbing circles on the elder's back. "I'll always stay by your side, Tae. I promise."

It was Friday morning and Taehyung stood behind the cash register at the library where he worked. Although most days were pretty mundane, the pros outweighed the cons; a quiet, stress-free working environment, decent wages, simple tasks, and cordial customers. Plus, there's that fascinating "new book" smell which always lingers in the air.

However, as accomodating as it is, Taehyung's ultimate career choice would have been to join the military. The idea of saving millions of lives and making a difference in the world seemed so rewarding to him.

Unfortunately, he'll never get to experience that feeling. Any record of a current or former mental diagnosis that hasn't been fully treated automatically disqualifies you from joining the force. Specifically the ones with psychotic features like schizophrenia, manic depression-

And yep, you guessed it...split personality.

There's only one battle Taehying can afford to fight in and that's with V. So, he will do whatever it takes to win.

"Excuse me, sir?" a woman's voice chimed, snapping Taehyung from his daze. He blinked, glancing down at the shopper.

Her almond-shaped eyes displayed a mixture of confusion and concern and her medium brown hair was twisted into a messy braid. A pair of round glasses perched on the bridge of her button nose, giving her a cute appearance. Despite being dressed so casually and face free of makeup, she still looked stunning. 

"Are you okay?" She spoke again and Taehyung realized that her presence made his breath hitch as he exhaled deeply.

"U-uhh yeah, s-sorry. I have this h-horrible habit of zoning out," he stammered while struggling to scan the barcode on a package of bread.

The girl giggled cheekily, causing a pink blush to dust Taehyung's cheeks. "No worries. It happens to the best of us." 

"Anyway, I'm just checking out this book," she said while placing the item on the counter.

Taehyung picked it up and read the title, impressed by her selection of volume.

"Gerald's Game, huh? You a horror fan?" he asked, quirking an eyebrow.

"Big time," the woman replied. "Stephen King is one of my favorite authors. I've read all his novels except for this one."

Taehyung cracked a marveling smile. "Wow, that's true dedication. Good for you."

"I try," she said with a wink.

The silver-haired man elicited a deep chuckle before scanning the barcode and handing it back to her. "Book is due back by November ninth. Happy reading."

"Thank you. I'm gonna start as soon as I get home," the brunette stated, grinning warmly at Taehyung who nearly melted at the sight.

He watched her stroll out of the line and toward the exit, her perfect hips swaying gracefully from side to side.

"Hate to see them go but love to watch them leave." Taehyung groaned after hearing V's voice ring inside his head. "Man the things I would do to that hot piece of-"

"Shove it, you disrespectful pig," Taehyung seethed, clenching his jaw.

"What did you just say?" The silver-haired man flicked his eyes to the male shopper who was extremely tall, twice his size in terms of muscle mass, and giving him a piercing glare. He swallowed hard as his palms began to moisten.

"Oh no, no, no, sir I-I wasn't referring to you. I was just um...rehearsing my lines for a play. Heh. Yeah." Taehyung chuckled nervously and the man continued to shoot daggers at him for a few seconds.

Then strangely, his eyes lit up. "You're an actor? What a coincidence. So am I!" he exclaimed.

Taehyung sighed in relief then started scanning the man's collection of protein powders, fruits and vegetables, and fitness magazines.

I'm going to bash my skull in when I get home and hopefully, it kills you, he internally scolded V who simply scoffed in response.

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