Chapter 11

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Izuku's POV~

Dabi looked like he was about to bolt. And he might have to. If Todoroki hadn't freaking tackled the poor dude and started hitting him repeatedly. 

"You" smack "little" smack "fucker" smack.

"Do you have any idea how worried we've all been for fucking years, Touya? Years!"

Shinso and Kacchan didn't seem really happy about what was happening, but there was clearly something we were all missing, so they didn't interfere. 

"Ow, ow, ow. Fuck, ow! God damn it Shoto, get off!" Dabi said, struggling against the other boy, who was still smacking him. 

Todoroki didn't budge.

"No, fuck you! You fucking left us! Mom cried! I cried! We all fucking mourned you, you asshat!" Todoroki said as he continued his assault. 

Were they... related?

Kacchan had finally gotten annoyed enough that he pulled his boyfriend off of the other boy. He had to hold onto him as Todoroki struggled to keep beating up Dabi. "Let me go! I swear to god, let me go!" He said.

"No, you need to calm down." Kacchan said.

"Katsuki put me the fuck down!" He growled. 

Shinso offered Dabi a hand and helped pull him up. He was rubbing his chest, where Todoroki had directed most of his hits. "Fuck Tiny, when did you start actually packing a punch?"

Tiny? What the heck?

"No! You do not get to call me that! You lost that privilege when you walked out on us." Todoroki shot back, finally ceasing his movements and just letting Kacchan hold him.

"Can someone please explain what the fuck is going on?" Kacchan asked, voicing what everyone else in the room was thinking. 

"I didn't walk out on you guys! I was kicked out. I had to fucking run for my life, okay? I didn't want to leave any of you, but I didn't have much of a choice." Dabi explained.

"That did not answer my question." Kacchan helpfully pointed out, actually catching Dabi's attention this time.

The older boy sighed. "He's my younger brother." He confessed. 


Absolute crickets. 

"Holy shit, how many of you guys are there?!" Kami asked, breaking the quiet. I elbowed him in the ribs and then instantly flinched. 'Oh I'm definitely going to get hit for that' I thought to myself. But the blow never came. I looked to my side to see Kami perfectly recovered and Kiri laughing at him. 'Deep breaths Izuku, they won't do that you and know that.'

"You were kicked out?" Todoroki asked hesitantly, drawing all of our attention back to the matter at hand.

"Yes Sho, I would never willingly leave all of you." Dabi said softly. 

I was a little uncomfortable. This seemed like a intimate moment between family, I really felt like I shouldn't have been there, but if I left they'd all notice and it would ruin the moment. Kind of like when Todoroki and Kacchan were making out in the bathroom. Todoroki seems to be a common factor in this. Does he enjoy making me uncomfortable? I bet he does, the jerk. 

"Fine, but you have to go see Fuyumi, Natsuo and Mom." Todoroki said with a pointed look. 

Dabi took a sharp intake of air, before nodding. "Okay, that's fair."

"As wonderful as this is, but I feel like most of the people here don't have a clue who either of you guys are and are probably beyond confused." I pointed out, looking at Shinso and Dabi. 

"Well actually the whole class should at least know about me, I've talked to most of them on the phone." Shinso explained.

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Well anyways, for those of you that don't know or just haven't connected the dots, this is Shinso, Aizawa and Present Mic's kid. And that's Dabi." I said to the rest of the class. 

The class waved and everyone broke up and started to have separate conversations. I stayed with Kiri and Kami as they moved to talk to Shinso. He was standing next to Dabi as he caught up with Todoroki and Kacchan. 

"Hey, Shinso?" Kiri said, catching the other boy's attention. Shinso just hummed in response. "Um, Denki and I just wanted to thank you, for ya know, looking after Izu when we couldn't." He said sheepishly while scratching the back of his neck. 

Shinso chuckled a bit. "I wouldn't say I looked after him all that much. If anything you should be thanking Lance and them. I feel like they did more." He pointed out.

"Nuh uh! Shinso you helped me a lot! Don't sell yourself short like that." I said sternly. I seemed to shock my mates with my tone. It was the first time I had actually talked back to an alpha since I got back. I won't lie and say it was easy, I was pretty scared, but I trusted Shinso to not attack me or anything. 

"Okay okay, I'll work on it." He said with a smile. 

"Yeah, you better." I said back, smiling as well. 

I saw Kiri smile and lean over to whisper something to Kacchan. I saw the blonde's eyes light up at whatever my mate had just told him, but I wasn't able to catch it. 

Bakugou's POV~

Shitty hair motioned for me and leaned over to whisper, "Izu totally just talked back to another alpha. Plus he elbowed Denki for being an air head earlier." He told me.

Fuck yeah.

He was gonna be okay.

Izuku's POV~

"Now that that's all over, Bakubabe, can you please make us breakfast?" Mina asked with puppy dog eyes.

"Don't fucking call me that!" Kacchan yelled back, already heading to the kitchen. He's such a softy.

"Are you making all of us food?" Kiri called after him.

"Obviously Shitty hair." Kacchan yelled again. 

I looked worriedly at Todoroki. There was no way I'd be able to eat what everyone else was. Something was telling me Kacchan was going all out.

The duel haired boy noticed my nervousness. "Don't worry Mido, I'll get you something." He said reassuringly.

"Mido?" I asked him jokingly. 

He rolled his eyes. "Katsuki is basically you dad at this point and somehow I got roped into being your mother, so yes, Mido." He explained, causing me and my mates to laugh. 

Todoroki walked into the kitchen after his mate, leaving me with my own. They both pulled me into a hug in between them, causing me to giggle, once again. "What's this about?" I asked them teasingly.

"We're just happy." Kami said.

I hummed and burrowed myself more in between them, resulting them chuckling at me. 

It was that moment when I realized that it was going to be okay. I was going to be okay. I may have been broken. I may have only been an omega. But you know, I was Their Broken Omega, and that's all that mattered to me then. They'd be with me no matter what, and that was enough. 

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