Chapter Three: Open Doors

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Chapter Three: Open Doors

Alone with her thoughts now that the house was empty Leighton wished the voice in her head would quiet down. It seemed so loud against the back drop of the soft rhythmic ticking of the backward clock that she wanted to stick her fingers in her ears; but as she found out before that just magnified the screams that she wasn't doing anything to help herself out this insane situation she had stepped into.

Beau the dog growled low in the back of his throat the sounds of the outside world captivating his attention. It was bizarre what you noticed when there was nothing else to do with your time. Everything had a routine, birds singing, alarms beeping or the mad morning dash for the bathroom and the curses that follow when toilet seats isn't put up or down. Dad’s remarkable ability to grab the paper from the letterbox before the dog can rip it to shreds. Mum telling them to hurry up and eat their breakfast then moaning that they're not chewing food properly.

Leighton could put all the pictures to the noises she heard each day. It had all seemed so boring and unimportant once, now it was something she was determined to get back.

Hearing the front gate swing open and an excitable bark announced the arrival of the post man. Mail was shoved with lightening speed through the letterbox by skilled fingers nimble at dodging canine teeth followed by a satisfied muffled bark as the envelopes were successfully mauled.

Resting her hand on the unlocked door fear and apprehension kept her from turning the handle to freedom. A sudden wave of sadness swamped her initial excitement, she let go and went to the window. The sun was shining brightly today, hearing Beau bark again she smiled it was a shame she couldn't take him out, she missed it. Leighton smiled sadly to herself she actually hated walking the dog, but right now it was something she would love to do now. A steely determination filling her bones she took a deep breath and shouted as loud as she could.


Beau howled in anticipation to jumping over the pet gate and bounding up the stairs. Scratching at the door impatient to get in he cried pitifully.

Returning to the door her hand shook as it gripped the handle tight, a quick turn and the door sprang open. A gust of energy sent her sprawling to the floor, Leighton sat confused, she could hear Beau barking but couldn't see him. Looking back at the mirror she saw his big wet nose sniffing wildly at her through the glass. Scrambling to her feet she headed quickly to the mirror, as she did Beau's reflection appeared next to her, mimicking his every move.

Gently Leighton touched his fur and marvelled that it felt exactly the same as the real thing. Beau must have felt the vibrations of the caress; as he dropped to the floor showing his stomach. Laughing Leighton knelt down and gave the reflections belly a rub. With her suddenly out of his sight Beau jumped up searching for her which caused the reflection to do the same sending Leighton falling to her bottom again.

Feeling guilty for the confusion the dog must feel Leighton got quickly to her feet. “Sorry boy, this is messing with my head too!

Nervously Leighton stepped onto the landing to find Beau had disappeared. Confused she quickly looked back at the mirror in the bedroom and could see Beau waiting at the bedroom door. When he saw her he barked again.

Of course!” she thought, it made sense now. Coming onto the landing again she called out to the dog and could hear him beside her even though she couldn't see him. Reaching half way down the stairs she looked into the decorative mirror that hung on the landing, she saw Beau the reflection wagging his tale on the stairs next to her and the real Beau through the mirror. His reflection could only be seen by her when there was a mirror nearby, which must mean that she could be seen too in another mirror! That was why her reflection didn't want her leaving the bedroom because she would be seen by her family.

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