Chapter 2

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"So they're really making you go." Ava said as she sat on Laylahs bed.

"Yea. I haven't talked to them since they told me and I didn't want to tell you guys because it would make it seem even more real."  Laylah Said pulling her knees up to her chest.

"I can't believe I can't go to Junior prom with my bestie." She said puffing out her bottom lip.

"Well, they never told me when I was leaving so who knows maybe I'm not going till senior year starts." Laylah said having hope in her voice, but that didn't make them feel better.

"I'm ganna miss you." Ava said squeezing her into a huge.

"Stop! Don't make me cry! I'm not leaving anytime soon." Laylah said fanning my eyes.

Laylah was finishing up her homework and heard a knock on her door. She knew it was either one of her parents and She really didn't want to talk to either of them.

" Laylah can I come in?" Her dad spoke on the other side of the door.

"I guess."  Laylah said. Her father opened her door and sat on the edge of her bed.  Laylah was being super stubborn that she didn't even look at him.

"Laylah, I know you don't like this whole boarding school thing but you gotta understand we are doing this for your own good." He said.

"Do you want me to be happy?" She asked as she finally looked up at him.

"Of course I do." He signed.

"Then let me stay. I have everything here dad." She cried.

"We already made our decision, sweetie." He said patting my knee and getting up.

"You leave next Sunday, so do what you have to do." He said walking out my room.

"W-WAIT! WHAT! NO!" She yelled as She barged through her door and followed him downstairs.


"Laylah calm down. Don't raise your voice at your father." Her mom said trying to calm her down.

"Why. Why are you doing this to me!" She cried. She couldn't believe her parents.

"Just go pack." Her mom said pointing upstairs.

"Mom. I don't wanna leave." Laylah cried. She begged her parents. She got down on her knees and begged for them to change there mind, but they didn't.


Laylah parents went out for the night. They go out on date nights every Saturday so she always have the house to herself . Laylah was so nervous and mad that She was leaving tomorrow. She doesn't  even know where she's going! She didn't know shit about where they are sending her!

She took it up son her self to figure out about this stupid boarding school her parents are sending her too. She started in her parents bedroom and dug through everything but couldn't find anything. She then went through her dads office. She finally found a folder that had her name on it. She sat in the chair and opened the folder.

"Cheshire Academy?" She spoke admiringly she read the panflit of the school. It wasn't even an all girl school. It was a boy and girl boarding school.

" for trouble GIRLS!" Laylah shouted as she read the whole thing. She couldn't understand why her parents are sending her here. She gets good grades and never gets in trouble. She wanted to yell at her parents but she was tired of yelling at screaming. She put everything back and heading into her empty room. The only thing left was her bed. It was sad for her to remember all the memories with her and her brother. Her friends.

8:35 am

"Is that the last of your stuff, honey." Laylah said mom asked as she brought her bag down the stairs. She was still not talking to her parents, so she just nodded.

"Baby, I know your upset with me and your father but you will realize how good this is for you." She said.

"Mom, I'm not a bad girl. Why are you sending me there. Is it because of Andrew?" Laylah asked. She just shook her head.

"If Andrew was here right now, I know he would of been on my side." She said as she grabbed her bag and walked out the house. The Uber was already packed full with Laylah stuff and her dad was just closing the trunk. He smiled at her and held his arms open for her to hug but she just got in the back of the  car and the Uber drove off. Laylah was heartbroken. She had to leave everything. She quietly cried in the back of the car as the entered the high way.

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