Chapter 13

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Opening Night

"Have any of you seen nick?" Laylah asked people as she scattered around the backstage. Everyone said no. She was worried. Why isn't her boyfriend at her opening night. She peaked through the curtain and seen the auditorium full. She got super nervous and scared and Nick was the only one to help her with that.

"Laylah, were on in 15. You gotta get changed." The stage manager said.

"I will, I will." She said pacing around the place for nick. She felt her heart beat super fast and the time was clicking. She felt her stomach twist and turn, she quickly ran to the bathroom and puked her guts out.

"Baby, baby." Nick said rushing into the bathroom. Laylah just kept puking up the nerves. Lucky she had  brought a toothed brush, tooth paste and mouth wash just in case she had the nerves.

"Where were you?" She asked as nick was watching her put on her makeup.

"I lost track of time, I was in the gym." He said.

"I don't think I can do this." She said biting her nails.
Nick walking in front of the chair she was sitting in and held her chin up.

"Laylah, your one of the bravest, confident and hard worker I know. There is nothing that is ganna stop you from going out there. You are an amazing singer. Your ganna fucking blow there minds." He smiled. Laylah couldn't help the feeling she felt in her heart. It was something she never new she could feel. She grabbed him and pulled him into a kiss.

"I-I Nick, I love you." She said biting her lip, hoping he would say it back.

"I love you too." He chuckled.

"5 minutes!" The stage manager yelled.

"Okay, I'll be in there m, front row." He smiled, kissing her cheek and walking out. Laylah looked her self in the mirror and took a couple deep breaths before heading to her spot.

"Laylah!" She heard. She turned around hoping it was Nick but it was jalen.

"Oh my gosh! I'm super nervous!" Laylah chuckled.

"Don't be, you'll be great. are great." He smiled. Laylah smiled.

" break a leg." She winked.


"Father. Him! I choose...I choose you, Aladdin." Jasmine (Laylah) spoke.

"Ha, ha. Call me Al."  Aladdin (Jalen) said pulling her closer to him as her hands were in his. Right when the curtains were supposed to close Jalen, gripped Laylahs hips and connected his lips to hers. She quickly pulled away as she heard gasps from the crowd. Nick eyebrows furrowed together as he looked through the pamphlet he had, to see if that was scripted.

"Yo, was that scripted?" He whispered to Amy. Amy face was in shocked as she shook her head no. Nick jaw clenched together as he watched Jalens every move. The curtains finally closed. Nick got out his seat right when the curtains closed, as the audience was clapping.

"Nick. Relax." Zion said stand up to block him from going up the stage. He didn't listen he just moved the other way of him.

"Nick, don't freak out." Amy said grabbing him by his arm.

"Amy, let go." He said. She could seen the anger in his eyes and she was to scared to try and calm him down. He made his way up the stage and through the curtains. He seen Didn't even look for Laylah, he went straight for Jalen. He seen him getting his mic taking off as he slammed him against the wall.

"WHAT THE FUCK BRO!" He said holding him by the collar of his shirt. Laylah turned around to see what happened and when she seen nick, she quickly jumped out of her seat.

"NICK! NICK! STOP!" She yelled as she tried to take his hand off him but she wasn't getting anywhere.

"WHY DID YOU KISS HER! THAT WASNT IN THE FUCKING SCRIPT! Nick yelled as his vain popped out and slammed jalens back onto the wall once more.

"Bro! I'm sorry! I didn't know you guys were together!" He said flinching.

"BULL SHIT!" Nick yelled.

"HEY! GET OUT OUT OF HERE!" The teacher yelled. Nick dropped jalen to the ground as he stormed out the doors. Laylah quickly followed him.

"Nick!" She yelled as she ran in front of him.

"He fucking kissed you, Laylah! In front of me!" He yelled.

"I know. But he didn't know we were together, Nick." She said trying to get his eye contact but he kept looking away.

"Nick." She said soft.

"I told you I didn't want you to be with him in the first place." He said. You can see how much he was trying to not punch something or someone.

"Okay okay. It's over now. It's done." She said grabbing his hands. She could see him relax a bit and she kissed him.

"I gotta go back, I'll see you after." She said kissing him once more. He nodded his head and watched her walk back.

"Laylah, I'm so sorry. I didn't know you guys were together." Jalen ranted.

"It's fine, but it wasn't even in the script so why did you do that?" She asked.

"Well, I thought after all this time we were together...we felt the same way but I guess not." He sighed.

"Hey, your an amazing guy and I'm so happy I met you and I hope we can be friends still." She said chuckling. He nodded his head.

"So? Was he a good kisser? Amy asked.

"Amy, I swear to god-" nick said rolling his eyes.

"He was actually pretty goo-" Laylah Joked but before she could finish her sentence nick threw her on the bed playfully.

"OH MY GOD!" She laughed. Nick looked at her and smiled evil. She gave him the same smile.

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