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It had been about two hours since Ryan and I had come back to Dylan's house to play video games. Over the span of two hours I had yet to get a single sight of aila not.a.single.one, and if I was being honest I was very irritated seeing as the only reason for me coming here was to see her again. "Dude press play" Ryan's voice interrupted my thoughts looking around I saw Dylan and Ryan staring at me clearing my throat "sorry" I pressed play and we played yet another round of black ops 3. " do you guys wanna stay for dinner"? Dylan asked after the sixth or fifth game "what time is it?" Ryan and I asked looking at our phones we saw it was past 7:40 " yeah sure if you don't mind" we both agreed " cool so we are gonna have to wait for aila to wake up cause she's the only one who knows how to cook in this house she won't be up for another five minutes if that's alright with the both of you?" Nodding both our heads we started up another round. Three minutes later the three of us heard footsteps coming down the stairs and approach the couch the three of us occupied "oh hello there I didn't know we had company... Sorry I slept for so long if I knew you guys would have been here I would have had dinner made already" an apologetic voice rang out causing me to turn around giddiness rising in my chest at the thought of finally having the chance to see the beautiful girl that had caught my attention so easily my breath caught in my throat she was still beautiful even though she looked a bit haggard and tired it still didn't change the fact that she might as well have been the most beautiful girl in this world at least that's what I thought "can you make encebollados sis?" Nodding she stalked back into the kitchen there was some banging that could be heard. Getting up I entered the kitchen alias back was to me seeing as she didn't turn around I assumed she hadn't heard me "so need any help?" Jumping she dropped the pot into the sink her handing hitting the edge of the sink letting a tiny scream escape she turned to hold a hand to her heart "you scared me" she chuckled nervously holding a shaking hand to her heart "sorry it wasn't my intention" I apologized, I could already see a bruise start forming on the side of her hand the hit the corner of the sink, not really being bothered by it I asked "so do you need any help" I asked nodding towards the counter "oh yes please if you wouldn't mind" she smiled softly "could you cut the vegetables up please" turning I grabbed the knife and began cutting up the vegetables bringing the board over I dumped the contents into the pot " so tell me about yourself" turning around I saw her leaning against the counter. Smiling " well what do you wanna know?" Tilting her head she looked at me a curious glint in her eyes "anything" her answer kind of caught me off guard I wasn't really one for talking about my feelings or my problems I never was one for many words. " there really isn't anything to know Ryan and I moved here because we wanted a change of scenery nothing else really" she was staring me in the eyes looking, searching for an answer I wasn't ready to give, might not ever be ready to give " that's not the real reason is it?" she said again I saw that there there was a look of deep interest in her eyes it unsettled me for a second but I recovered quickly hiding my unsettledness with a smirk "is that what you think?"


here's chapter two! tell me what you guys think, hopefully you enjoyed this too it seems kind of slow but I promise after the first few chapters everything will start to pick up. 

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