First Day Back

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It's been three weeks and I'm finally feeling good enough to go back to school which isn't that exciting but the fact that I'll be seeing him is a good enough reason I couldn't stop thinking about his beautifully pensive gold eyes and raven black hair and how adorably wavy it was I couldn't help but want to run my fingers through it and mess it up even more than it already was

      Don't get me started on those lips of his so full and kissable id let him kiss anything and everything he wanted, he was so tall compared to my 5'5 self he had to be at least 6'1 he was built to perfection tall and muscular but not so muscular that I wouldn't be comfortable in his arms i-

STOP! I yelled to myself I had to stop doing this to myself

Stop thinking about him you won't even be around long enough to start anything, most you can do is be friends not even that. The voice in my head the traitor just wouldn't let me be happy

I'm just telling you the truth is all

The ugly truth that's what it is I thought to myself

"Ugh whatever, come on Dylan we are going to be late I've already missed too much school"        " your absences have been excused" 

he yelled from the top of the stairs

 " well come on then"

The both of us walked to school seeing as I was too sick and fragile to drive a car and he was too young to drive as well so we walked together in silence for 15 minutes" how you doin sis we're almost there" worry laced his voice I tried to refrain from rolling my eyes

He's just worried is all, no need to get annoyed

"I'm fine Dylan this wave has passed I'm sure of it I promise," I said as we walked into the school's front door. " alright if you say so well I'll see you at lunch later big sis" he kissed my cheek and ran off to see his friends. At least that's what I tried to tell myself but i could feel another wave coming and i didn't know if i could handle this one this time around after having so little time of recovery i was still so tired mentally and physically and just so sore from the last wave that hit me not even a week ago.

Walking to my locker i noticed someone leaning against the locker next to mine. Stopping in the middle of the hallway, eyes wide i whispered the name that hasn't be said for a while " Jax" I was surprised he heard me since the hall was filled with kids talking and yelling but he had.

i wish he hadn't.

 Our eyes met and we stayed staring at each other for the longest time " bee? bee is that you?" he took a step towards me i took a step back in the other direction. It was kinda funny him taking one step towards me, me taking one away from him until i suddenly just turned and ran not being able to stand the sight of the person who was once my best friend. " bee don't run away from me i'm sorry please hear me out" he yelled from behind me catching up quickly he grabbed my arm and turned me around pulling me into his chest.

Wincing at his tight grip i thought well that's gonna leave a mark a bad one too if he keeps holding me so tight

" bee i'm so sorry i'm-" shoving at his chest i glared at him "you don't get to talk to me you promised that you would be there for me but where were you on that day, that was the worst day of my life i needed you jaxon and you weren't there, you were nowhere to be found so excuse me for being angry but i think my anger is justified." i could feel the tears accumulating " where were you i needed you more than anybody but you weren't there do you even know how scared i was" a tear escaped falling down my cheek " i was so scared jax so scared i didn't know what to do" i whispered as i looked to the ground tears falling from my eyes

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2020 ⏰

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