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*mentions of death

They'd been running for hours. They ran through mostly plain fields and meadows, trying to avoid anywhere rouges could hide and swoop down upon them.

These wolves, her new packmates, were huge compared to her small frame. Their strides larger, their stamina and endurance far superior to hers. She was growing tired, and Mace knew it. She was panting and growing farther behind.

Finally he decided they needed too rest. Eat, sleep, and start again later. They could sleep through the daytime, and start again at sundown. He slowed to a stop, barking at his pack. Using the packlink,
he explained the plan. Everyone agreed so they moved to the trees for cover. The wolves who'd stayed in their human forms would have arrived back home already, but Mace preferred to be in his wolf form. As did most of his pack. The ones who'd brought their pups along were the ones in the vehicles.

The scouts went hunting while everyone else stayed together. Mace found Sera laying under a tree, eyes fluttering. "We will rest soon mate, you need to eat first." he said. She whined, knowing they'd have had to have this talk some or later. She's just have preferred later, much later.

"A-about that alpha," she stuttered."Mace." he huffed, disappointed shed used his title. "Mace, i-i don't eat me-meat. I haven't for years." she admitted. She was often teased about this particular topic.

"Doesn't eat meat?” Raulfe scoffed. Meat was a natural part of a wolf's diet. It was their instinct to hunt prey. It was something the two beasts within the vessel agree upon. "Sera, meat is required in a shifter's diet. Not only is it in our nature to hunt,  but it's also a way for a male to prove he can provide for his family." he explained.

"I-I haven't eaten meat since Lucas rescued me." she admitted. "Why?" he asked, trying to convey just how concerned he was for her health. She sighed, not wanting to remember but needing him to understand.

"The pack that t-took me. They m-made sure I underst-stood that i was n-nothing to them. If I w-wanted food, I h-had to earn it. They wouldn't waste e-energy hunting for me, so whene-ever they invaded o-others they would....they'd hurt the p-pups. Then they would drag me o-out and give me a ch-choice. 'It'd b-be a mercy k-killing', 'Y-you're saving them', 'K-kill them or starve.', 'If you d-don't, think ab-bout what we will d-do to them'. I didn't w-want to, I tried n-not to. But eventual-ly my inst-tincts took o-over. When it was d-done, they would c-call me a  murderer. They wouldn't l-let me wash off the b-blood. I can still hear their c-cries!" she sobbed.

Her breaths were shaky, and he could see tears gathering in her eyes. "Oh mate." he cooed, laying beside her. He rested his head on hers as she hid her face. "You did what you had to. Those pups would have known nothing but pain. You sent them to a better place. The goddess would have welcomed them with open arms. She would have thanked you for saving them from pain. She would have reunited them with their parents. In the end, you were their saving grace, an Angel." he assured.

"I can still s-see their f-faces. I h-hear their screams when I s-sleep. When Luc-cas saved me, I swore to n-never kill again. The thought of cons-suming s-something that was once al-live makes me s-sick." she finished. He was torn.

He understood her reasons, he couldn't even begin to imagine the horrors she endured. The things she's had to do to survive. He'd killed hundreds, but never pups. He'd only killed when the safety of others was threatened. Mace didn't feel an ounce of shame or disappointment, but he knew she did.

The only problem was that they had nothing else to eat. The little they were able to carry contained clothes, first aid, and her medicine. She needed energy for the journey tomorrow, and the day after if they had to stop again. Any berries in the area were sure to be poisonous.

"Sera I understand your reasons, but there is nothing else to eat. We only packed clothes and medical supplies. Had I known I'd have packed something you could eat. I won't force you, but you'll need energy for tomorrow. We have another full day of running, maybe two." he explained.

She felt his concern, she knew he was just trying to look out for her. But the thought of eating anything that had once been living, even a wild animal, made her stomach twist. He cared for her, and she was being a bothersome, stubborn, burden.

"Whenever you doubt your self worth, talk to someone. Don't let those thoughts longer like leeches. They'll suck out anything good, leaving you with only the bad. When you let that happen, you let those wolves win. You're not a victim, you're a survivor. You're stronger than they are."

Lucas' words echoed in her mind. "I-im sorry I'm being a b-burden." she said. He growled lowly. "You're not being a burden Sera. You've had a rough life, its only natural for you to have reservations, doubt's, and fears. I only want to help you through them." he assured.

"She needs to eat." Raulfe insisted. Mace felt a third presence try to insert itself into the conversation, but he pushed it away as hard as possible. Now was not the time to deal with that. Raulfe was quiet after the presence settled. He knew how precarious the situation was already, and how much worse it would become if everyone didn't calm down.

"I understand your reasons, but tomorrow will be tiring. Will you at least let me catch some fish for you? I smell water not far from here. We can shift, I'll cook it over a fire. You don't have to watch any of it." he practically begged.

He didn't point out how frail she already was. How today had been hard enough for her. But he knew she was aware of both facts. And they both knew something had to be done. "Alpha!" a wolf linked him.

He looked up to see Dalton, one of the warriors. "Pardon my intrusion, but I thought you'd like to know. I was hunting when I stumbled upon an apple tree. It is filled with ripe ones." he explained. Mace sighed in relief, Sera too. "You're a hero." Mace admitted.

Sera shifted and dressed, chowing down on the apples they'd brought back. Mace had elected to stay in his wolf form. "You might get cold." he'd stated. They'd laughed, knowing she would.

She fell asleep, curled against his side in her wolf form. She shivered everything now and then. He would simply cuddle closer to her. They fell asleep under the stars. Getting some much needed yet rarely achieved, peaceful, sleep.

Yay! PSA, Voting still isn't over folks. We need, at least I know I need, faces for the characters. So tell anyone you can you help us choose what the stars of this book will physically look like! Well wishes everyone!

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