Chapter Six

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Naomi's Pov
Alright breath Naomi there's no way Chan is in love with. I thought to myself harshly. I have been beating myself up for weeks over this, even making myself stay up late.

It just didn't make sense that Bang Chan our leader, and also my best friend of many years. It just was a thought that made my heart start racing, that made the heat rush to my cheeks. Because I know I was in love with him.

After many many months of denying it in my head, or crying in my pillow. I admitted it. Not out loud of course. I gently pulled the black face mask that was hiding my lower half of my face.

The other reason I was wearing it was to hide the fact that I was deeply sick, and overworked. I felt like along side the guys I had to work way harder, and prove myself more.

Stay late to get dance moves right with Hyunjin being my lovely teacher. And of course, still learning how to be a producer from Changbin, Han and Chan.

My face felt like it was on fire and was like hell itself.  My throat was scratchy but I could still sing. But I knew at some point when ever I had the chance. I was gonna fall into a deep sleep. And sleep for a few days.I

One of the unnies was doing my makeup glanced down at me full of concern. "Oh my god Nai you are in fire what's wrong?" She whispered near my ear pressing her hand across my temple.

I could tell she wasn't trying to drawl attention. Chan was right next to me on my left side getting his hair done, and his attention focused on his phone. I wasn't too worried about him finding out.

But Seungmin Felix, Jeongin and Hyunjin when they started noticing little things, then it wouldn't be too long before Woojin, Han, Changbin and Minho also noticed which wouldn't be too good.

"I just have a tiny fever Unnie I'll be okay." I reassured her giving her a fake smile. I had to get through this performance. All our performances meant everything to them. And they meant everything to me as well.

I had to push aside my feelings of being deeply, sick and throw away for just a second that I was human and I had to push myself over the limits.

It was what I trained to do, and what I endured for a few years. I chewed at my lower lip glancing at Chan one last time smiling faintly when I grew shy.

Around two hours tops passed through, and I felt I was sweating way too much for one person. I was extremely light headed and went through the most water bottles. I was getting a few concerned glances from Changbin.

I was crouched down backstage with unnies and staff members pressing cold towels across my neck, and forehead.  "Yah noona what's wrong are you okay?" Changbin questioned worried slowly crouching down next to me.

I took in a deep breath, and tried to ignored the pounding against my skull and nodding looking up at Changbin giving him a soft smile.

"I'm okay Binnie, we only have a couple more songs." I breathed out, but my chest started feeling heavy. Oh shit it's hard to breath. I panted out, and slowly feeling the staff members talking me deeply.

"Naomi I think you need to sit out from the rest of the show your breathing is heavy and uneven we can't have you passing." I shook my head violently trying to get up.

"What? No no I have to finish. " I defended standing back up feeling that my fever had heated up all the towels on me, I tried to grab my mic, ignoring Changbin and Seungmin who had joined around me, their eyes holding worry.

But a fast hand, grabbed my mic away from my grip making me look up into Chan stern eyes. 

"Naomi no, you're not performing any more, you're going into the dressing room and resting, you are sick you have almost passed out on stage three times, this isn't up for debate." Chan's tone was stern, husky and he wasn't playing around, but I couldn't shake the feeling away.

"Chan I can't just sit out what about Stays." I exclaimed slowly going into a small coughing fit and I inhaled at the pounding of my heart.

"Baby girl it's not up for debate give me your mic, go rest, Stay want you to rest they don't wanna see you like this." Chan ordered but his eyes held concern and worry. And I didn't wanna make it harder for everyone else.

Even though it was hard I gave Chan my mic watching him grip it gently, he placed it down in my little case and he came over to me pressing a gentle kiss to my burning forehead and wrapped me in a deep huh pulling me close to him.

"Please... I just need you to rest, for me please Naomi." He whispered his voice slightly cracking the slightest.I

I felt myself tearing up  stupid silly tears before I slowly hugged Chan back extra tightly weakly nodding my head resting my head on his chest for a few minutes.

"Okay Chan... I'll rest for you guys, I'll rest for you."

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