Chapter 2: Becoming the first male hero!

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After Izuku's encounter with Katsuka, he had gone on a stroll around the area to gain more knowledge of the world seeming as he didn't know much other than the discrimination men receive and upon doing so had created problems. One of these problems is currently happening as we speak, Izuku can be seen getting cornered by 3 women that had the intent to steal his belongings. "Look at we go here girls, a male. This should be much easier than before!" The first girl shouts. "You know underestimating me is a big mistake. So how are we going to do this? The easy way or the hard way?" Izuku asks with a smirk knowing these girls aren't expecting much out of him. "Oh, we got a tough guy, is it? How do you plan to take us three on? We all have a physical enhancement quirk and you're a boy," The second one states and before the third one can start I make a dash at them at high velocities and they couldn't react before two of them are already rendered unconscious. "As I haad stated, underestimating me is a big mistake!" Izuku yells looking at the final girl. "W-what are you? There's no way you are able to move quicker than we can react!" She yells. "Oh? Don't you know what I am? I am Izuku and I'm going to be the first male hero to prevent discrimination," Izuku says with a devilish grin that could be seen as his Broly side showing. "Now back to you shall we? I think that seeming as you tried to rob me I'll get something in return," Izuku says to the girl who adopts a face of fear. 'What's he going to do to me? Is he going to use my body or steal mt money' The girl thinks. "Do you know anywhere a person can stay? My last place got destroyed see," Izuku says scratching the back of his head causing the girl to sweatdrop at what he wanted. "S-sorry I'll be of no use in this situation," The girl says. "Damn so I really do have to sleep outside, do you think that UA place would let me stay for the night?" Izuku asks the girl who is now completely done with is shit. "You think they will just let you stay the night? Are you stupid?" She asks Izuku. "Hey, it's not my fault. I just don't know how this society is, I've been away from society for most of life and only had myself so I'm not the most knowledgeable person when it comes to this stuff," Izuku says rubbing the back of his head. "To answer your question. I highly doubt it but hay, give it a shot they might let you seeming how strong you are," She says honestly. "Okay thank you," Izuku says as he starts to fly. "Wait, you have a quirk!" The girl yells. "I guess you can call it that," Izuku says as he brings out his tail to show the stunned girl but then flys towards UA.

Time skip

Soon enough Izuku had arrived at UA and had knocked on the massive gate to which some rat, bear thing came out. "Who is knocking on the gate?" it asks. "Oh, that would be me. I was wondering if you had a place I could sleep in for a while seeming as my last place was blown up," Izuku says whilst scratching the back of his head. "And what makes you think that you can stay in here?" She asks. "Well, I could always fight your strongest teacher for the right to stay if you'd want," Izuku says with a shit-eating grin that reminded the rat of Aizawa. "Oh, so if you won you'd stay here for an unstated amount of time but what if you lose?" She asks with a devilish smirk. "You can do whatever you want to me, kill me, throw into a place to starve, arrest me and etc," Izuku says but is really confident in his abilities. "Whoah, calm your horses. Why are you putting so much on the line for just a simple place to stay?" She asks. "well you see I really hate sleeping on the ground and that's basically it. I think this will be my first time actually fighting a hero. Man I'm so hyped I can barely contain myself," Izuku says developing a fierce glint in his eyes "Fine, but we'll be sticking you up against our newest member, All Might," She says with a smirk. "Is she the strongest you have because if she is then I won't back down!" Izuku yells much to the woman's surprise.

Time skip to the beginning of the fight. Izuku's P.O.V

"Are you sure young man that you want to do this fight? I've been told not to hold back," All Might asks looking at me like I'm a mad man. "Yes I am 100% sure with my decision and if anything I'm hyped for this fight!" Izuku states letting his Saiyan blood get the best of him. "Okay, if you say so," She replies and soon after a gunshot is heard to signal the fight to begin. As soon as I hear the shoot I make a dash towards All Might and send a kick towards her face which was narrowly avoided and countered with her own punch which sent me flying but before I get imbedded into a wall I stop myself and dash faster than before towards her and send a punch to her ribs which connects sending her flying much to everyone's surprise. "I can see why you are the number one hero, that punch was incredible!" I yell but as soon as I stop my sentence All Might is already in front of me and trying to send a punch to my liver which I narrowly avoid but was met with a punch to the jaw sending me skidding a tiny bit. After this, I and All Might are engaged in a brawl with me sending punches and kicks towards her and her countering and sending punches back making me have to counter. After a while, we both jump back. "You are so strong to be able to keep up with 50% of my power," All Might states. "You are holding back? How dare you insult my abilities," I yell powering up and going into kaioken x1. "Kaioken x1!" I yell to which she responds with "Kaio-what?" And not long after is punched and sent further than before. 'Damn he got stronger as well as quicker, I'll have to go all out now!' All Might internally yell, and charges at me at 100% and is seemingly dominates me for a while only for me to adapt and overpower her and after a while, she sends a Detroit smash which is met with one of my kicks causing both of us to jump back. "You know, you are really strong All Might but I'm going to be taking the victory for this match," Izuku says smirking. "What makes you think I won't go plus ultra young man?" She asks. "Even if you do you'll be dominated regardless but please do go beyond your limit! I'm itching for a challenge!" I yell as I also yell "Kaioken x10!" To which she replies "Times what?" and is then sent flying into the wall unconscious due to the amount of power I put into the punch. "Yosh, I won!" Izuku yells ignoring the shocked faces on everyone around him. "Man these training weights got in the way of the fight though, like why do I have them set to such high weights for?" Izuku questions himself surprising everyone again. "So can I stay the night?" Izuku asks the others. "S-sure but who the fuck are you? You just beat the number one hero in a fight and are acting like it's nothing!" Yells a cockatoo looking female (Mic). "That's because it was easy, I didn't even have to use Oozaru's wrath against him but still it was an amazing fight!" I yell to everyone's surprise that I was holding back.

To be continued...

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