Chapter 1

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"Harper! Get down here!" I heard Ms. Olivia yell. "Coming!" I yelled back. I jogged down the stairs, and stopped when I saw 3 young men standing next to Ms. Olivia.
I have been living at an orphanage for my entire life. I'm 14 now, and have pretty much prepared my self for not getting adopted, so I never come down when there are adopters.
"Harper, these are your brothers." Said Ms. Olivia. "What?" I said. "Yes, we're you're brothers." Said the tallest. He had brown hair and green eyes, and the one on the left had dark hair with green eyes. The one on the right had wavy blonde hair and blue eyes. "I'm Holden, this is Cole," he spoke, pointing to the brother to his left, who was just slightly shorter than him. "And that is Tyler." He said, pointing to the other brother, who, even though he was tall, maybe 6 feet, was a few inches shorter than the others. They looked intimidating, because I'm only 5'3. I have straight dirty blonde hair, and turquoise eyes. "We've come to take you home." Said Holden. "Why now?" I ask, suddenly mad. I've been here my entire life, and only now they come. I've missed out on a large part of my childhood, living in this orphanage. They all looked down.
"We didn't know that we had a sister until a week ago." Said Cole. "Our parents just died in a plane crash, and in their will they mentioned you." "We had to track you down, and once we found you, we came." Said Holden. "It took us a day to get here, because we live further away." I nodded.
"Pack up your stuff, Harper." Said Ms. Olivia. I didn't move, not knowing if I trusted any of them. "Go on." She said.
"I can help you if you want." Said Cole. I silently turned around and walked up the stairs to my room. I barely have any belongings, so it took only a minute to pack. I was almost done, when Cole walked into the room. "You done?" He asked with a smile. I nodded. "Great!" He said. He grabbed my bag and walked downstairs, with me following him. When we got back to Ms. Olivia and the other brothers, Holden was signing something, and Tyler was just standing there. A few minutes later, Holden was done, and Ms. Olivia smiled. "She's all yours!" She said with a warm smile. "Great!" Said Holden. "Are you ready to go, Harper?" He asked. I nodded silently, and followed the brothers out to their car. Cole put my bag in the trunk, and we all got in the car. I was in the back seat with Cole, and Holden was driving. "What do you like to do, Harper?" Asked Tyler. I shrugged. I am pretty shy, and don't talk a lot unless you give me time. "Do you play any sports?" Asked Holden. I shook my head. I would, but the orphanage won't pay for any extra curricular activities. "Would you like to?" Asked Cole. I nodded. I was pretty athletic, and I liked to play sports, I just couldn't. "What's your favourite colour?" Said Tyler. "Blue." I answered. "Nice!" Cole said to me with a smile. "Not to scare you or anything, but you have more brothers." Said Holden. I immediately tensed up, and Cole noticed this. He reached out and grabbed my hand, squeezing it. "How many?" I whispered. "Three." Replied Holden. "Trevor and Travis, who are Tyler's triplets, and Nash. The triplets are 20, Nash is 17, I'm 25, and Cole is 23." I nodded. I was anxious, and learning that there was more people to meet, was making me really nervous. I have anxiety and asthma, and mixed together is a terrible combination. I always carry an inhaler on me, in case I have an anxiety or asthma attack. I started to feel my chest get tight, so I took a puff of my inhaler. "What's wrong?" Asked Tyler. They all had worried looks on their faces. "It's nothing." I said. "I have anxiety and asthma, so I carry around an inhaler with me." They nodded. "I have asthma too." Said Tyler. I nodded. Soon, Tyler and Holden started talking about something, and I grew tired. I leaned my head against the window, and fell asleep. Soon, we pulled up at a fairly large house, and got out of the car. Cole grabbed my bag, and they all started to walk towards the door. I slowly trailed behind Cole. Holden opened the door, and we all entered the house. "Welcome home, Harper." Said Holden. I looked around. The house looked fairly new, and clean. A few seconds later, three boys came down the stairs. "Boys, this is your sister, Harper." Said Holden. "Hey, I'm Travis." Said one of them. He had curly light brown hair, and blue eyes, but still had a similar look to Tyler. He stuck he had out for me to shake, with a goofy smile on his face. I smiled shyly back at him. "Hey, I'm Trevor." Said Trevor. He has blonde hair like Tyler, but he has green eyes. He looked nice enough. Then, there was the last one, who was the youngest out of all the brothers. "Hey sissy, I'm Nasher, more commonly know as Nash, or Nashy-poo." He said, as he had a large smirk on his face, but he looked friendly. He had brown hair, and blue eyes, that were sparkling with mischief. I smiled. "Go upstairs and get comfortable in your new room Harper." Said Holden. "Cole will show you the way." Cole smiled, and motioned for me to follow him. I followed him up the stairs and down the hallway. On the way to my room, he pointed out the other boys' rooms. "Your room is in between Nash's room, and and mine." He said. "This is your room." He opened the door, and inside was a large room, with a bathroom and a balcony. There was a white dresser, and a white desk with a laptop on it. "I know it's simple, we can add things to it if you want." Said Cole. "It's perfect." I said in awe. "I'll leave you to unpack, just come downstairs where you're done." Said Cole with a smile. I nodded. I put my clothes in the dresser, and my toothbrush in the bathroom. I then went down the stairs, and proceeded to get lost. The house wasn't huge, but I still got lost. Just as I turned the corner, I heard "BOO!!" I screamed, jumping in the air. "What's wrong?!" I heard Holden yell. I opened my eyes, I had closed them when I had gotten startled. I saw Nash, looking at me with a smirk on his face. "We're good." Yelled Nash to Holden. "You good?" He asked me. I nodded. "It was just a joke." He said with a smirk. "I know." I said with an smirk of my own. "Good." He replied, still smirking. He then turned around, and started walking away, but I quickly jumped on his back. "Oof!" Said Nasher. "What you you want, child?" He exclaimed. "Can you take me to where Holden is?" I asked him shyly. "Sure." He said. He then carried me to the living room, where the rest of my brothers were sitting on couches. "Hey Harper." Said Cole. Nash then put me down, and went to go sit on the couch, where he squeezed himself in between Holden and Travis, purposely annoying them. I took it that Nash was the goofy prankster of the house who loved to annoy people. Travis glared at Nash, but did nothing. There was no where else to sit, but then Cole stood up, and pulled me onto his lap. I giggled, and he smiled. "Harper, we have some rules we would like to go over with you." Said Holden. I nodded. "Number one, always tell us if your are going some where, unless it is school, or with one of us." I nodded. "Rule number two," Said Cole. "Is no dating boys unless we have met them and like them enough." I nodded again. "Rule number three isn't really a rule, but bedtime on school nights is 9:30, non school nights, 10:00." Said Travis. "Rule number four is always have your phone on you." Said Tyler. "But I don't have a phone." I said in confusion. Cole handed me a box, and when I opened it, there was a new iPhone. "Thank you!" I exclaimed. "You're welcome." Said Holden with laugh. "Those are the only rules for now, if we come up with something new, we'll let you know." Said Holden. I nodded and yawned. "Are you tired, Harper?" Asked Cole. I nodded, and curled up on him. He picked me up, and carried me upstairs, and put me in the bed. "Goodnight Harper." He said. "If you need anything, I'm right next door." He said. I nodded, and he left the room. I reflected on today. I found out I have brothers, and moved in with them. I think my favourite so far is Cole, and Nash is second. Slowly, I drift off to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2020 ⏰

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