Chapter 10 - The Competition

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Marcus's POV

Without a care, I shoved my phone in my pocket and jogged away to find her.

I ran down the winding corridors of the hospital, it felt like a maze. I remembered that Lilly was at the opposite end of the section D operation theatre.

After running for what felt like forever , I found it. I burst open the door and flicked my head around while huffing. Just to check, I whipped out my phone and looked at the texts, they read:

Hello I am Dr. Carolyn and Niomi has told me to write this. She has had an operation and she's just waking up from the gas. She's fine, we sorted out everything and she wants to see you. We are in theatre 3, room B

I moved a few paces before stepping into the theatre where Niomi would be. On one side there was a glass window that was looking into the operation room, there was about 5 doctors pacing around cleaning up and putting things into place.

To my right I saw a wooden door "recovery room B" Niomi... She was Behind that door, I had to prepare myself to see her in pain.

Taking a deep breath in, I knocked on the door, waited a few seconds, then slowly pushed the handle down and peeped my head in threw the door. "Hi ..."

"Ahh are you Marcus ?"

"Yes I am , how's she doing?"

"I am Dr. Carolyn, come in, please"

Taking her hand I shook it gently she told me she was okay and she would be back to normal soon.

I Hurd my name spill out from Niomis lips. I turned to look at her. I grabbed her hand and it flopped into The spaces between my fingers. I clasped her soft hand in a sandwich of my hands. One on top of the other and hers In between. I smiled in relief while staring into her eyes and examining her pale face. She looked so different, he face was white as a sheet of paper and her lips colourless. I couldn't see her eyes for long as for every time she blinked her eye lids stayed shut for a good 3 seconds before flicking open again.

I wanted to hear her voice but I didn't expect her to speak. So I did
"Your okay, I was so worried..." I bit my bottom lip and pulled it into my mouth and pushed my eyebrows down closer to my eyes. Squeezing her hand tighter I spoke again " oh Niomi, I love you so much, im so happy your... well, alive! What I would do with out you ? I don't know! Your so brave and strong.." I paused.

That beautiful smile of hers peaked out from her face. Slowly her head turned to me.

"That smile, that beautiful smile, that's what gets me going in the morning, I don't tell you enough, I really don't, you are The reason I smile! I love you and don't forget that! I should tell you every day! I could of lost you this morning. I could of lost you and you could of never knew how much I loved you!"

I leaned over and gently kissed her on the head and stroked her face.

Now that I had stopped speaking, she began, although she still looked half asleep.

"M....Marcus, I Love you t...too"

I could feel my cheeks blush. This moment couldn't of felt better.

"Marcie? T...the others..."

"What about the others? How are they? "

"Tell them, I'm fine."

For the third time, I slid my phone out my pocket. But to my surprise , I had misses calls from Joe.

Lilly's POV

I peered over my magazine to see Joe coming down the corridor, holding what looked like a coffee cup. He had a smile on his face as he sipped his drink and looked at his phone. Was he smiling at the coffee or his phone?

Slowly, Joe approached me. I began to get nervous. I pretended I didn't see him but clearly I did.

"Good news everyone! Marcus is with Niomi she's out of her operation but she's still under that gas stuff." Joe said with relief

I breathed out, "Thank god!" So it was Niomi who was out and alive. Now all we need to hear is more good news from Zoe. All I could do was have hope and stay positive.

"And and! More good news, this place has great coffee!" He chuckled and flipped his attention to me.

I breathed out a small laugh and diverted my attention away from him as once again, it felt awkward to look him in the eyes. His luscious blue eyes.

I amazed me how positive Joe could be even In the worst situations. But it wasn't long before he sat down next to my hospital bed.

"You alright? " you look In pain, can I do anything ?"

"I'm alright, the pain killers are wearing off that's all. Besides that, I am bored to be honest! I'm not a magazine person but there's nothing else I can do. "

" I know!...." His tone was filled with confidence and joy.
He slid his phone out his skinny jean pocket and began to speak again
" You want to do something on my phone? Play a game? Go online?"

He held out his iPhone and put a smile on his face. I didn't want to be rude and just start using his phone, I didn't know what to do. Gently, he wiggles his phone up and down just to reassure me. My hand moved slowly towards him to take his phone.

" go on take it. " he reassure again.

"Err thank you." I let out a huffed laugh. As rude as I felt, I was quite pleased I could do something enjoyable!

I flicked through the pages in hope I would find something to do. After I got to the 3rd page in his phone I saw a "file" named 'games'. This was better.

Slowly, I wiggled up my bed so I was in more of an upright position. I struggled. It didn't make it any easier having a expensive phone in my hand. I didn't realise but, there Joe was, still sitting on the chair next to me

"Whooa Go easy... " He obviously saw I was struggling and he decided to hold my shoulder in attempt to steady me.

Looking him in the eye, I replied "Thanks.." And then I decided I needed to adjust my pillow.

Sitting up straight I threw my hand over my shoulder and tried to pull up my pillow but, it had slipped down quite far.

Joe, being the kind person he is, offered help. "Here let me help. " With all my might, I leaned forward a bit more to make it easier for him ( my back was a bit saw from the accident) . I felt the soft pillow slither up my back as Joe put it into place. Once again, I wiggled back and sunk into the comfy pillow.

For about the 5 millionth time, I said to him "Thank you"

After getting comfy, I proceeded playing on joes phone.

I looked at every game he had. He peered over me so he could see the screen and said: "OO OO! If your going to play a game, play this one!" He honestly sounded like an exited 6 year old.

For a split second, I looked up at joe to see him exited and confident.

" I bet you can't beat my high score."

It was then he had the biggest smirk on his face. I was amused at how chuffed he was with himself just because of a high score. I didn't even know how good it was.

I had always played games since I was little. Things like play stations, Nintendo 64, gameboys etc... I was certain I could beat him.

"You challenging me?!" Even is he was, this wasn't much of a challenge. I bet it was easy. "Game on!"

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