Chapter 2: Confronted

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"And that is why journalism plays a big role in the law and economic world," Ms. Rodd concludes.

"Yeah guys, that's why we bow down to tabloids," Cliff says from the back of the room. Cliff is one of the richest, snottiest, and retarded people in the world or more specifically, in this classroom. I don't usually hate on people because that's just not my style but he deserves more than those mean words. He also used to be my boyfriend two years ago until I caught him "getting cozy" and doing more than just that with a blonde cheerleader by the name of Kelly in the bathroom during a freshman party. Of course, after that, I freaked out and broke up with him. He's mainly the reason why I don't go to parties anymore. I also have not had a boyfriend since him. "Thankfully it's only the tabloids and not you." I retort, being the only one with enough nerve to talk back to him. After that remark he shuts his mouth for the two minutes left in the period. Finally the bell rings and I pack up slowly in order to talk to Ms. Rodd alone. I'm rudely pulled away from my thoughts, though, by a rough hand wrapping around my arm and pulling me up. I quickly grab my books as the mystery person leads me into the hallway. I already know who it is but I know struggling is pointless.

When we get into the hallway I am pushed roughly back into the hard brick wall. I feel his fingers blistered from the football he constantly throws gently pushing my chin up to look at him. I try to resist but I am no use against his muscle-bound 250 pound body.

"So, sweetie, we meet again. I thought you had more brains in that little head than to mouth off to me. You may have dumped me, but I still have much more power over you than you over me. Just keep in mind that I could shove you into the janitor's closet and take you right there, right then and no one would find out. Not even your filthy rich daddy," Cliff threatens.

"," I say trying not to show how nervous I am but miserably failing.

"There, honey. See, that's more like it. Talk back next time and there will be a pleasant punishment. Pain demands to be felt." He starts to loosen his grip and saunters selfishly down the hall. What a bastard, drawing pleasure from other people's pain. I pull up my sleeve and take a look at my arm. Sure enough, it's beginning to bruise. Great, just what I need with a party coming up. Karma will catch up with that retard soon hopefully. I start to make my way to my car.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2015 ⏰

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