The Town of no Population

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The Town of no Population

By: Caroline French

Chapter 1

The Bad Day

I stand there unable to move, I look around and see my world come alive.... The leaves swirl into tornados the clouds rumble with thunder, Lightning crashes down to earth, and there I am incapable to move standing in the middle of nowhere. I don't know how it happened, It just did. It may sound confusing but if u read on it will slowly become clear.

"MOM! I don't wanna go to school!!" said danielle Corvskie " I don't care, now go get on that bus and go to school!" said Danielle's mom using her stern voice that she only uses when she means business, as she nudged danielle out the door. " COME ON DANNIE!! YOU'RE GOING TO MISS THE BUS!!!!" said danielle's best friend Julia Dansel as she dashed up the steps of the bus. " FINE! I'LL GO TO SCHOOL BUT U CAN'T MAKE ME BE HAPPY ABOUT IT!" said dannie as she flung the door shut with a loud bang.

"Dannie sit with me!!" said julia as dannie walked on the bus. Dannie angrily plopped down next to Julia. " What is up with you grumpy grumperson??" as Julia finished her sentence caroline hopped on the bus and jumped in the the seat across from Dannie and Julia. " Why the long face Dannie" said caroline Relay. " That's what I said! " julia said vigorously. " I've just had a bad morning." Dannie said, as she furiously squeezed her backpack on the floor of the bus. " What happened?" said Caroline, "I've had a great morning!" " Me too!" said Julia happy as ever. " It's all on now guys i just had a rough morning I found out that I was adopted..." said dannie as she crisply as she hid her head in between her arms and legs. " I'm so embarrassed I didn't know until now. She told me she didn't think I was ready before. How did she know?" Dannie mumbled. " how did this happen dannie how did she not tell you before?" Said Julia. " yea?" Said caroline. " I told u guys I don't know! I just wish she would've told me a while ago." Dannie murmured to her knees. " But lets just live in the moment I should be happy I have parents in the first place." Said dannie as she put her feet back on the floor and looked out the window. " Ok do we have any big tests today in school?" Said Caroline immediately changing the subject. " yea we have one in social studies and in language arts." sadi Julia. " Oh great I forgot to study ! Just another thing to make my... I mean to get my grade lower." Said dannie correction her negativity

Chapter two

The findings

RINGGGGGGG!! Goes the last bell of the school day. "Finally all of the 8 periods are done." Dannie said as she ran out

of class to pack her back pack. Now all I have to get through is the bus ride, she thought but what if the bus ride is worse than the beginning of the day was?? "Well I guess I have to just take my chances." She thought aloud. " HEY!!! DANNIE WAIT UP!!" called Julia and Caroline behind dannie as she raced to the bus. " I'll save you a seat just don't draw too much attention to me I don't want to end my bad day the way I started it" said dannie as she looked around swiftly to see if anyone was watching them. She ran up the steps of the bus. Looking for an empty seat she yelled at the top of her lungs over the yelling in the bus " Perfect just perfect no empty seats and a new bus driver!" she squeezed in with a random weirdo and suffered for 5 whole bus stops. When she finally got home she couldn't wait to go curl up in bed after her long bus ride.

"StOp FiVe" Said the bus driver shakily." "Finally I can go home and curl up in bed" said Dannie as she sprinted off the bus. She sprinted all the way into her room and slammed her door and locked it. " I'm Just so angry" Dannie said to herself " Oh wait, Im gunna use the word of the day melancholy." she mumbled to herself "Dannie honey how was your day? said Dannie's mom "FINE WILL YOU JUST LEAVE ME ALONE." Screamed Dannie at the top of her lungs " well ok hon..." started Dannie's mom " NO MOM JUST GO AWAY I DON'T WANNA TALK ABOUT IT!" Dannie screamed interrupting her moms sentence. " JUST GOO AWAY I'M SICK AND TIERED OF PEOPLE CARING ABOUT ME!" Dannie screamed wanting nothing more than to be left alone.

Chapter Three

Julias bad day

Ahhhh I have had the most despicable day ever!! It was the most appalling, revolting and most of all shameful day. Today was worse than yesterday! I mean Dannie was the one having a despicable day but I heard she blew up at her mom! Thats no good. her mom gets so angry when dannie yells at her it's almost as if you can see her head explode! So I was going to try to act like nothings wrong. But sadly that did not work I was so depressed all day long and I couldn't stop myself from being that way. I don't know what got into me! I mean normally I would be all noooo I'm not a bad day kinda person but today I-I just couldn't help myself, It was like I was trapped in a horrible container. A container full of horrible people, and horrible buildings and nowhere to go and nothing to see! Now doesn't that sound horrible? Just like being a nobody with no reason to live, or no reason to speak the truth? I just couldn't handle it, I just couldn't keep it in so heres what happened. I was late for the bus infact I missed the bus. It was crul to have my mom make me let her drive me. so I asked her to drop me off a little far away from the school ( if she didnt want to she could of just said no!). She asked me why, I said cause I don't want to be seen in your car cause I missed the bus, and the nerds get driven to school by their moms everyday and you love me don't you? You don't want me to become a nerd who gets bullied do you?But she didn't like that... She got all fine then get out of the car right here. ( we were about 4 blocks from the school), and I only had five minutes so I ended up running to school. Which was even more embarrassing because I tripped in a swampy pile of mud that looked like quicksand or in other words It looked like a potty break gone wrong. SUPER EMBARRASSING! :(

Chapter four

Muddy butt

So I got to school and I was covered in yucky mud and to top that I was ten minutes late to class. To make it even worse I walked into class looking Like I had fallen into a toilet that had not been flushed. Which stunk even more. As my day went on, it got worse. And worse and worse. Life sucks sometimes I get that. But never in my entire life have I ever,EVER had a day like this. Ok so on with my day. The teacher was a substitute which was good, she had no idea who I was! But she still told me to go to the nurse to get inspected for cuts bruises and scratches. So i went to the nurse as instructed. not being happy about it, I ran in crying and slammed the door behind me. the nurse looked at me as if I was an alien from planet mars or something worse. I probably wasn't a pretty sight, but she tolerated me and pointed to the donated clothes. I went over to the clothes and sighed, Nothing was at all cool or in style. There were many outfits though! I went through them and picked out something's... A jean skirt with a jean coat to go with it. The cloth in both jean things was worn and broken in. But i went in the nurses bathroom locked the door behind me and changed into the clean clothes. I went back to class feeling better than walking in the first time, but in a way I felt worse. I wasn't wearing my clothes, I wasn't in the best mood on the planet, but it is what it is. I mean don't get me wrong I was thankful for the clothes the nurse had given me, but they didn't help the bad day situation very much. So I just continued on with my day, But then it got worse... There sitting in the door of my locker kyla, she is the meanest girl on the face of the earth! she spreads rumours. But what could she want with me? I'm just a nobody, and just incase you didn't notice she's a somebody. Nobodys don't make eye contact with somebodys, heck they don't even look at each other! So what could she want with me?! I'll tell you what she wanted with me. she wanted to ruin my life. I got to my locker and pretended not to notice her. she said what are you doing dirt bag? this is my turf. and I said well your "turf" is not my locker so buzz off. then she got all OH NO SHE DIDN'T and I got all OH YES I DID! and then she kicked me and walked away. I guess I'll never know what she wanted. But did I really want to anyway? Probably not.

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