Canada Caught in the act

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(Smut warning)
Narrator's pov

Canada sits in his room, at a desk as he files some paper work which, isn't too difficult at all, but he can't get someone off his mind...
He sighs and tries to distract himself by looking out the window, bouncing his leg a bit as he hears his polar bear cub, Kumajiro make little noises at him from a bed he has on the floor for it, which grabs his attention.
He turns around, his curl bouncing softly with the rest of his thick blonde hair. "What is it, Kuma?" Canada says in a soft tone as he tries to focus on his polar bear, but it's not working too well- he has someone on his mind who makes him feel a certain way he didn't think that person could make him feel. . . he doesn't know how to feel about it.
His polar bear cub makes little happy grunting sounds as it gets up and shifts a bit on his it's bed before laying back down and going to sleep again, causing Canada to sigh softly.
he stutters out as he turns back around and tries to focus on his paper work, but it has gotten a bit more difficult that he presumed it to be, a bit harder.
He bounces his leg a bit more, tapping his pen on his head as he tries to do anything else but think of him, and his dumb- not cute -face, but if his face isn't cute then-.. why does he feel all warm, and fidgety?
He grunts softly, whining almost as he nibbles his bottom lip, his cheeks flushing softly as he gently placed his pen on the table, his curl starting to form a subtle heart at the end of it as he presses his knees together.
He pushes his glasses up a bit as he looks out his window again, watching snow gently falling from the sky and piling up on the ground, which helps him a bit, as he starts to get his mind out of the gutter it's slowly stepping into.
He wonders how he'll go out later, he needed to get groceries for himself, and he had to go get something from someone but-.. he forgot who, the only person on his mind is America...
America and his face and how he acts and carries himself and, just!- how he looks at Canada makes him swoon. His eye brows furrow a bit as he accepts the fact he's fantasizing about America and just dives deeper into his thoughts.  He pictures America in his head, just talking not really saying anything, but he can remember all of America's facial features perfectly, every little detail. He shuts his eyes softly as he keels over his desk a bit.
America is so handsome and warm- he gives such nice hugs and normally no-one notices him at conferences and meetings but after America always tries to check up on Canada, to see how he's doing, and that makes him so happy. America is probably just being friendly, but no one treats him the way America does, it makes him feel a few certain ways that he can't get enough of.
As he thinks about America he starts to notice his pants are becoming kinda tight and uncomfortable- and his face flushes a bright red as he leans back in his chair a bit and looks down subtly to see that in fact, he got hard from thinking about America.
He whines, looking back at his polar bear and making sure it's asleep before turning back around and leaning over his paper work, spreading his legs a bit which only pull his pants tighter around his hardening erection, causing him to whine.
He parts his lips gently while keeping his teeth together, breathing gently as he bounces his leg, making his pants pull and rub on his hard on.
He's trying to be quiet so he doesn't wake up his polar bear but, he also doesn't wanna alert anyone who may be near by, cause people come and go from his house- it's not uncommon for someone to burst in- but if he does anything and he does it fast enough, no one will get a chance to barge in when he's in the middle of it! He smirks softly to himself as he face gets redder and redder.
He leans his hand down to his crotch, sliding his hand to his dick and gently rubbing it through his pants, his legs tensing a bit at the feeling.
"Ah-haa~~" he moans softly, and he suddenly realizes how hard it is gonna be to keep quiet.
He starts to grope himself, craving friction and attention.
He sits back in his chair as he lets his head fall back, soft moans escaping his lips as he starts palming himself through his pants, the feeling is erotic and it gets him rilled up pretty fast. He bounces his legs softly as his mind wanders, he starts to think of people as he palms himself, trying not to think of America, but no one else make him feel the same.. His face starts heating up to a deep red as America takes over his waking thoughts, and he almost can't help himself, it just-.. feels better when he thinks about America.
He stops palming himself and uses his thumb and forefinger to gently pump himself through his pants, his mouth hanging open a bit as he lets little moans escape his lips, trying not to be too loud as he gets a little impatient with himself. He leans back in his chair and pulls up his shirt a bit, pulling his pants open and allowing his erection room to breathe. He sighs softly in almost relief as he gently grabs himself through his boxers, wrapping his cold hand around his warm penis, starting to gently pump himself. "Hnn~ Aah!~ ch-christ!." He moans out softly, his legs shaking subtly as the heart at the end of his curl gets very prominent.
He looks down at himself and what he's doing before he pauses, gently pulling his boxers a bit until he gets his dick out through the hole in them, and he shivers softly as the cold air hits him.
He pants softly as he wraps his cold hand around himself, making him squeak and moan a little louder than he's trying to be, but he figures if he goes fast he can make a little friction so his hand isn't so cold.
So he starts to pump himself swiftly, causing him to moan loudly, throwing his head back as he sits up straighter, whining as he leans on his desk, putting an arm on the desk and resting his head in the crook of his arm. "Hah~~ hhha~ A-..America~" he moans softly to himself as he continues to pump himself, his hand getting a little warmer as he goes.
"Am-..America!~" he moans loudly, getting a little too comfortable, thinking that no one would bust in he thinks it's okay to get a little louder, but since he's being loud he doesn't hear foot steps approaching his room and stopping outside his door.
He whines in his desk chair as he continues to wack off, moans falling off his hips smoothly as he moans out America's name, time after time as his body trembles with pleasure.
"Alfie-... Alfred!~ hah!~ shit!~" he moans out as he feels a soft burn growing in the pit of his stomach that is quickly traveling to his balls and his inner thighs.
He pants and moans loudly as he sits up, leaning back in his chair as he takes his arm from his table, gripping the chairs arm rest, his hand shaking and struggling to keep a firm grasp on the damned thing.
He goes faster until he feels himself get pushed up on his edge, and right as he was about to cum, he hears his door open, and he jumps at the sound of it.
He quickly drops his shirt and takes his hand from his cock, his shirt falling and covering it but it's not hidden, as his erection holds his shirt up. He crosses his legs so it's less visible, and he turns around to see who it is, and he sees America in his door way. His face is flushed as he looks in at him "Damn Canada~" America purrs out at him as embarrassment surrounds him in his desk chair "Y-...You didn't-... hear all of-..." he stutters out, to frazzled to keep talking "I heard enough of it to enjoy what I heard" America says with a cocky smirk "Want me to hang out in here while you finish? Or is it too late, dude?" He says as he puts his hand on the door handle, leaning on it. "Y-You Can do what-.... ah... actually I would like some privacy!." He says as he puffs out his cheeks "Okay okay, I just swung by cause I wanted to ask you some things but I can wait, I'll be in the kitchen!" America says as he walks away, leaving Canada's door open "A-Asshole!!"
He calls out from his chair as America walks away.

(Sorry for any typos 😅)

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