intro pt. 1

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SEUNGCHEOL had never seen himself as a leader. he was the youngest in his family and was seen as smaller and weaker. but his zodiac sign said otherwise and he loved zodiacs.

so when seungcheol woke up in the biggest throne with a crown made of glowing lighting bolts he knew.

he would have to take lead and be who he really was. seungcheol had just gotten a slap in the face.

seungcheol was zeus, the god of gods.

JEONGHAN was always flirty and he was confident in his looks. but he didn't have a nasty personality like some good looking people. but he's looked into the twelve olympians before and enjoyed searching up aphrodite.

she was so much more than good looks, she was all about love and passion. aphrodite even protected sailors on the sea. jeonghan saw her as almost a motherly figure - ignoring who she was married to and killed.

maybe waking up in the throne with a pink heart carved in it and his hair dyed pink again, wasn't so bad.

jeonghan was aphrodite, the god of so much more than good looks.

JISOO doesn't have a good home life. or didn't, now that he was a god. it was confusing for him, everyone called him jisoo but he liked his other name, joshua, better.

joshua wished that he could've fixed his home before leaving, he was an only child but his parents were fostering children. the kids took drugs or misbehaved. some were good and looked up to joshua but no matter what his parents never adopted or kept a kid longer for a month.

he always wondered why and begged them to adopt or stop but they never did anything. it made joshua sick and just wanted the best for children. a real home.

becoming the god of family, home, warmth from the fire was something that joshua couldn't imagine.

jisoo no longer existed. it was joshua and he was hestia, god of a real home.

JUNHUI was playful. he was happy and always made it his job to raise up other and never bring anyone down. but its always the happiest that are the saddest, isn't it?

maybe junhui just found comfort in playing jokes and tricks and just never talking about feelings. he knew it wasn't good to bottle things up but couldn't help it.

but what else would he be the god of? sadness? although there probably was one. but junhui didn't even want to be a god.

so junhui awoke in a throne he didn't want to be in. poor old hermes was put to rest with his tricks.

SOONYOUNG always did feel attracted to the sea. in fact, he used to live by it. he'd stand in the sand and let sea foam bubble around his toes, a smile on soonyoungs face as he lets the sun shine down on him.

the sea was his friend, it was always there for soonyoung when he needed it. maybe just to cool off or to relax. even some time to be alone with the fish was enough for soonyoung.

so the second biggest throne (tied with the one of a small boy) had a wave carved into it. arm rests bumpy and an animal that looked like s horse rested on the end.

soonyoung was content as poseidon, friend of the sea.

WONWOO liked plants more than people. relatable, he knows. wonwoo found himself invested in his own little garden in his bedroom, plants hanging from the ceiling and against the wall. small pots of flowers on his windowsill to get enough sunlight.

wonwoos nose was always buried in a book about plants too. or rather computer because, well, save the trees, right?

the life of plants, the cycle of birth and death was all so interesting and wonwoo couldn't help himself.

demeter with flowers around her old throne was where wonwoo would now wake up.

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