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"does anyone know what the hell is going on?"

the first words spoken since everyone had woken up and it caused absolute chaos. they began talking, words growing louder and louder, some stood and other paced. the triad were frozen on their thrones, looking at each other.

all around words and arguments, they were shouting and yelling, but as it slowly sunk in the words changed. jeonghan seemed to be the first one to comprehend what was happening.

"im aphrodite? where the hell is she?" he throws his hands up, "you, big king, you're zeus don't you know whats fucking happening?" jeonghan turns to seungcheol.

seungcheols mouth is wide open and he only shakes his head no, still frozen in place. jeonghan rolls his eyes and turns to the boy next to him. "what are we married now?" hansol asks the latter.

"married? to someone like you?" jeonghan scrunches his nose up, "as if."

hansol seems hurt, "someone like me? i'll have you know that aphrodite was a bitch and it seems like you're a perfect replacement!"

"aphrodite was a queen! talk shit about her and ill roundhouse your ass hephaestus! he was a no good freak!" jeonghan shoves a finger onto hansols chest.

rolling his eyes hansol slaps jeonghans hand away, "he was a hardworking man and you treated him like shit! all you care about is looks!"

their argument fades away as others are speaking, and finally one of the triad comes to his senses. its jihoon first, he surveys the room then stands, grabbing onto seungcheols throne and hoisting himself up.

"get off," jihoon nudges seungcheol with his foot and the king does so. seungcheol stands and moves away to the side, allowing jihoon to stand on his throne.

"do either of you know how to whistle?"

and soonyoung nods, putting his fingers in his mouth to let out the high pitched sound and as he does jihoon shouts, "everyone shut the fuck up!"

and everyone does. they all turn to the three kings, but mainly jihoon. "look if i hear one more word out of any of you you're all going to the underworld with me so i suggest to stop because you should not give hades a headache!" jihoon rubs his forehead and sighs.

"we don't know whats going on, we all woke up around the same time so we're gonna figure this out together." jihoon jumps down from the throne with the help of soonyoung and he turns to seungcheol.

the king is shaken and nervous, his eyes darting around the room and jihoon snaps his fingers. "you, you're a king so act like it. i believe in you, they'll listen. im gonna head down to the underworld," then he mutters, "if i can find it."

soonyoung lets out a small giggle and seungcheol has a faint smile. jihoon shakes his head, "im going to find out what's happening, or try. poseidon or whatever your name is, you should look for some answers too."

before they could leave seungcheol calls after them, "wait, im scared. im not a leader i cant... i cant-"

jihoon gives a thumbs up and a smile, "yes you can." spinning on his heel, jihoon leaves with soonyoung right behind him.

seungcheol turns back to the other ten boys, they're silent and look at him. with a deep breath he offers a grin to them. "lets get to know each other."

"know each other? how the hell are you the king?!" it's jeonghan who says it and he climbs up the thrones. "alright guys i say-"

hansol, who already had a taste of jeonghans wrath, hisses up at the boy. "let him speak i don't think you're one to be talking right now."

"you know what-"

"guys!" the voice is gentle but loud, a boy with light pink hair pulls hansols shoulder back and he gestures for jeonghan to get down. "you need to calm down. everyone, sit down."

joshua smiles at seungcheol and he walks up to the thrones as if he were floating. his steps the only noise in the throne room when everyone had sat.

the boy stands next to seungcheol with his cat lips curved up. "look we're all confused but putting..."


"seungcheol in a hard position isn't going to help with anything. we're looking for answers so for now lets stay in here." joshuas voice seems to calm jeonghan and hansol, whos thrones just have to be next to each other.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2020 ⏰

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