15: Someone to need and someone wanted.

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Berlennia was barren. It was also dark and cloudy with a strong wind above churning the clouds making liquid potion. And it was windy down here, too. A newspaper clipping caught on a rock and Cypur picked it up.

'Ten thousand omnia reward for turning in Cypur Cromlight,' he read to himself and widened his eyes. He couldn't believe he was so expensive. He was a Sorcerer, not a Rauvuren. Ten thousand was enough to buy a couple mansions with golden chandeliers and probably still have some left over. He dropped his gaze to the clipping again.

'...a convicted murderer who is wanted for the deaths of Gallen lòr Vallius (Human) and Srymeon Pementius (Leovra). Potentials for raise. Anyone or anything associated will also be brought in for questioning. He read. 

When he looked over his shoulder, Wescherlie had her head bowed as if curling in on herself, trying to keep warm. The wind was turning to the typical biting Wintertine winds. If he was caught, Wescherlie would be, too. Never mind she could fly without transforming. Rauvurens were considered war criminals. She would lose her freedom.

He then thought of the option of going their separate ways. Cypur to find a way into Zarkentauf on his own. Wescherlie to go to Poppintum and hope for the best. The thought hollowed his chest, but he wasn't sure why. They were only partners, not friends. But he couldn't think about them going separate ways.

We just need to stay hidden. Be careful.

"What's it say?" Wescherlie said with chattering teeth, coming to walk next to him.

Cypur stuffed it in his pocket. He would keep it a secret as long as he could. "Nothing important. You cold? Wanna join me under here?" He offered a smile and cast a warmth spell over the inner layer of his cape. She slipped in beside him with a grateful nod and a sliver of a smile stretching upon her lips. He walked with an arm around her shoulder.

A biting wind shimmied up his shirt then, giving him a cruel chill, but the cape was warm enough and so was Wescherlie. But the warmth spell wouldn't last the entire way. There was still so much Barrenlennia to cover to get to Priviturn Lake. He knew the lake side had old lodges that citizens used to use for camping back when camping was still considered aesthetically pleasing activities for children. But some time ago, the lake became infested with rogue portals that Sorcerers put there for fun. Too dangerous for leisure.

"Do you have siblings?" Wescherlie asked, breaking her silence. Before he could answer, she held up her finger. "No, wait, let me guess. You don't look like the kind with a sister. I'm getting," She squinted, and he felt her gaze on him, "brother vibes. Younger brother?"

He sucked in his lip, letting a smile fade. "Yeah, you got it."

Wescherlie made a fist of victory in front of her face. "I'm good at guessing. What's he like?"

Cypur thought of his brother, Jarvur. Long black hair, taking after his mother. The average height of a Sorcerer, but he was still only twelve years old. Not even come to puberty yet to develop his Faud. There was no doubt in teachers' minds that he would. They were going to make him Junior rank early.

Mom and Dad are proud of him, not me.

"He's taller than me," Cypur said after a pause, shoving those thoughts aside, "three years younger. I remember when he was born."

"You get along?" Wescherlie asked. A cold wind nipped their skin and they shuddered at the same time. She put her arm around his waist, pulling him closer. "Damn, it's cold."

"Wintertine. And I guess." He shrugged. He and Jarvur did have the usual sibling rivalry, but it wasn't malicious

"Think the news said anything about you yet?" Her fingers tickled his leg. He squirmed under her touch.

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