Part 11

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Jack's POV

Y/n: "Why do you hate me Jack!?" Me: "Y/n, what do you mean" Y/n: "Jack you know damn well what I mean!" Me: "Y/n, explain it to me" Y/n: "You kiss me than you yell at me! Why are you playing these fucking games with me Jack!?" She screamed in between sobs. Me: "Y/n, i don't hate you. I like you!" Y/n: "Quit saying that Jack! You don't mean it!" Me: "Y/n! I've liked you for the past 3 years!" She started crying harder, so hard that she couldn't breathe. I sat her down on the bed to calm her down. I pulled her into a hug and rested my chin on her head. Me: "y/n, you know I don't hate you" Y/n: "Than why do you kiss me than you yell at me!?" Me: "Y/n, I'm so confused!" Y/n: "Confused about what Jack!" Me: "I don't know what to do?! You want to stay with us, then you want to get mad when I try and be nice to you, then you want me to comfort you when things aren't going good, then you don't want me to kiss you! Tell me, WHAT DO YOU WANT!?" Y/n: "I want you to stop playing fucking games with me!" Me: "Y/N, SHUT THE HELL UP! THERE ARE NO GAMES! AND IF YOU CAN'T SEE THAT MAYBE YOU SHOULD JUST LEAVE AND NEVER COME BACK!! FORGET OUR FRIENDSHIP!" She looked at me in the eyes, then ran out of the room. Me: "Y/n Wait!" She shut and locked the door, so i walked and knocked on the door. Y/n: "Who is it?" Me: "It's Jack I'm so fucking sorry!" Y/n: "LEAVE ME ALONE JACK, YOU CAN'T TAKE BACK WHAT YOU SAID! I'VE BEEN GOING THROUGH A LOT AND YOU DON'T EVEN CARE AND YOU WON'T GIVE ME TIME TO FIGURE IT ALL OUT!" I walked away and into my room. I slammed the door shut, so angry at myself. What have i done to her? I threw my phone across the room, then heard a knock at the door. J: "come in" Z: "what's wrong with you" Me: "I've fucking messed up Zach!" Z: "well wanna come watch a movie with us" Me: "no, leave me alone Zach" Z: "Ok bye" Me: "bye Zach" He walked out of the room, then I started crying. They've never seen me cry before. I was so mad at myself for what I said to y/n. I wanted to go into her room and apologize to her but she won't let me in. I put on a long sleeve shirt and a pair of sweatpants, then got in bed with my phone. I started scrolling through Instagram, seeing some things about the fans saying that we were dating. I got so mad again, I almost threw my phone across the room again. Y/n, walked in so i didn't do it. Y/n: "Jack?" Me: "What?" Y/n: "Ca-can i sleep with you?" I moved over and pat my hand down, motioning her to come lay down. Y/n: "Jack, can i talk to you?" Me: "Sure" Y/n: "did you really mean what you said?" Me: "Y/n, no I didn't mean what I said" Y/n: "I'm sorry for everything jack" She broke down in tears. J: "y/n..." I pulled her into a hug as I started crying too. Y/n: "Are you crying Jack?" Me: "yes" Y/n: "Why, what did you do?" Me: "I'm so sorry for what I said to you" She started crying even harder. I laid down with her, pulled her close to me. She put her head on my chest, leaving wet patches of tears. Y/n: "I'm sorry for doing this to you" Me: "Why are you sorry?" Y/n: "I'm sorry for coming into your life, ruining it, everything.." Me: "y/n, I'm so glad that you came into my life. You didn't ruin it either" I ran my fingers through her hair, calming her down a bit. I gave her a kiss on her head, then pulled the blankets over us. Me: "I love you y/n" Y/n: "I love you too Jack" then it hit me

(Sorry this ones so short)

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