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"Authorities are looking for a 16- Year Old Girl who was abducted while walking with her mother in the Bronx. Karol Sanchez was walking down a Bronx street last night, when a beige four-door sedan pulled up beside her and her mother. Four men were reportedly in the van, two of whom shoved her mother to the ground, and threw Karol into the van-"

Athena's heart dropped as she laid propped up on the bed with her back against the headboard, with her phone in hand.

Her eyes scanned the video that followed the article. Her heart was full with sorrow for the mother who looked helpless, and the daughter who fought for her life.

Saint was slumped lightly snoring after giving Athena the best oral experience of her life. Her screams and cries left him satisfied, and after she went into a deep sleep so did he. With all her juices still fresh on his tongue.

The gentleness and care Saint was putting towards Athena's body confused her brain while her heart loved every bit of it.

Saint multi tasked rubbing on her nipples while his face dined in between her legs. The end result of her last orgasm dripped off of his beard as he awaited the next one. He wasn't going to stop until he put her to sleep.

"Yeen' ever have it done like this, huh?" He challenged seeing her bite her lips and squeeze her legs tight.

"Answer and look at me. Where's that tough shit?" He taunted her.

So she looked at him, she wasn't going out like a bitch.

"You got me cheating," she screamed lightly not knowing if anyone else was home. Her mind was so confused she couldn't even hear her words.

"I thought you didn't belong to anyone, bet you'll belong to me after this shit. Your body gon' need me now," he dipped his tongue back into her wetness sucking on her clit once more.

It was eleven o'clock at night now, and Athena was wide awake. At first she was thinking about the situation at hand, and by situation she meant the one with his hand wrapped around him. Now this news, infuriated her. She wanted them dead. Who gave them the right to kidnap someone, in front of their mother at that.

"Get up!" Athena threw the covers off of her along with Saint's arm. "Get the fuck up!" She screamed annoyed with him not hearing her the first couple times.

"What the fuck?"

"Get up, we have shit we need to do." Sliding her phone to him with the video from the TMZ website playing, she watched as he kept a straight face with tiredness all over.

Her lips focused on his plump lips and memories from hours ago fled back to her but being the person I am, I shook it off.

No questions asked Saint followed, like he always did. He didn't mind her dominance anymore she was submissive and was going to learn to be in more ways that one, where it mattered.

Explaining the situation to Saint he totally understood wanting to take matters into their own hands. They both didn't trust cops especially now.

"Something just don't seem right," Saint looked at the cameras of the building a couple blocks from the street Karol was taken at.

The two wasted no time leaving Silas and Roman's house and going to the furthest camera they knew would be on that route. An apartment building ten blocks from the scene.

"Look," he pointed to the screen zooming in seeing Karol's reflection kissing one of the drivers. "I know damn well.."

It was staged.

"But why?" She shook her head.

He watched as she had an argument with the voices in her head and he placed the guard back in his seat knowing he would be waking up soon from the chloroform wearing off.

Athena deleted the camera footage of them walking near and into the building before turning the cameras off for two minutes.

"Not everyone is innocent Athena. I know you want to protect everyone especially females but-"

"I get it." She didn't want the speech. It was disgusting for her to see a planned kidnapping. Her heart was hurting for the mother who was somewhere screaming for her child. She wanted to numb herself.

"This job is taking over our lives, I think we need a break. We just killed a police officer there's going to be an investigation for that. We need to think smart," Athena stared outside the window as a low chuckle left her mouth but nothing was funny.

She found it insane how someone who she was just training was now giving her advice.

Silence took over the car as they rode past the crime scene seeing cops all over with the flashing red and blue lights all over.

Not making eye contact with any of them cops looked into the car, wondering why people were driving by during this time a night. Letting it go, they couldn't help people's routes going home.

"Drop me off at Nora's," slowly looking at her Saint said nothing. He wasn't going to let ruin her night and memories of the past events before they got out the bed. She wanted to be a brat he was going to let her.

Thumps from the trunk were heard making Saint come to an automatic stop. They both turned around hearing the banging of the trunk, someone was inside.

Saint hopped out the car with Athena next to him guns in hand, popping the trunk seeing a folded woman with a smile on her face.

"Elliot?" Athena squinted her eyes.

"I'm back.." Elliot smiled taking her sweet time to get out the trunk. "Nice to meet you," Elliot shook Saint's hand while he still held a confused look.

"Who the fuck is this?" He motioned to the thick woman.

"Elliot this is Saint, Saint this Elliot. She was in the business with Angelic and I. She started before us but she's a little-" circling around her head Saint got the point.

"I'm not crazy I just have issues with people breathing. I'm back now, I just came from my meditation retreat in Hawaii. I've been watching you, been real reckless," Elliot stared at Athena shaking her head a little disappointed.


"Shut the fuck up." Saint's eyes widened at someone putting Athena in her place. Elliot must have been the real deal someone she looked up to because Athena listened.

"He's right," she pointed to me. "You just killed a cop," she mumbled with tightened lips.
"Take a break, it's not up for discussion. Now take me to your house, I need some sleep!"

What Goes Around Comes Around (A short Story)Where stories live. Discover now