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"I'll take him home now." Adrian returned his and Dom's glasses to the bar later that night, glancing back at the detective.

Tom smirked at Adrian, who scowled at him.

"I didn't mean it like that," Adrian said. "He's had a few too many to drive safely home."

"I've only had four pints," Dom grumbled in Adrian's ear.

Adrian felt the detective's large hands slide around his waist and looked over his shoulder at Dom.

"You agree then. Too many to drive."

Dom grunted, but nodded agreeably.

"Come on."

Adrian bade goodnight to his manager and went back out to his car with Dom.

"Where do you live?" He asked, starting his engine.

"Outside the town," Dom mumbled. "Fairbank Lane, Whitehouse Farm."

"You live on a farm?"

"Old farmhouse." Dom replied. "I still have some of the land. A couple of fields. I rent one of the fields out to a family with a couple of horses, the other one is used by the caravan club occasionally."

They drove in a companionable silence out to Dom's home, a few miles outside the town.

Adrian pulled up a long, paved driveway, past a small wood, and a field with two horses in. He stopped outside a large farmhouse, whitewashed, with large bay windows and a thatched roof.

He stared up at it for a moment in admiration, before he turned to stare at Dom.

"This is amazing."

Dom grinned at Adrian's approving look.

"How on earth...?"

"Rich parents, remember." Dom replied. "I always hated living in the city when I was younger, so I always wanted to have my own place in the countryside. Come on."

They went up to the front door, and were greeted by the frantic barking of what sounded like a very large dog.

"She won't hurt you." Dom grinned at Adrian's apprehensive look.

"What is she?"

"Newfoundland," Dom said, opening the door. "They're big, but lovely. Gentle giants."

As he pushed opened the door, Adrian was bowled off his feet by a large black and white mass that threw itself at his legs.

"Mia, down!" Dom shouted, grabbing the dog's collar and hauled her off Adrian.

Adrian sat up, a trail of silver drool on his jacket, looking stunned.

"She's immense!" He said, clambering to his feet.

The dog was one of the largest he'd ever seen. She reared up on her hind legs and placed her large paws on Dom's shoulders, her mouth open, panting happily.

"Hello to you too, girl."

Dom ruffled the fur on her shoulders, and gently disengaged her paws from his shoulders, and lowered her to the ground.

"Come on. Dinner time!"

Barking happily, the dog charged through to the kitchen. Dom disappeared with her, and Adrian heard the clatter of dog biscuits falling into a metal bowl a few seconds later.

He walked slowly through to the kitchen, taking in the hallway and living room, which he passed as he did so.

Although sparsely furnished, the decorations and furniture in the house were all of good quality. There was a large leather sofa, big enough to seat six people, running the length of one of the living room walls. A glass and chrome coffee table sat to one end of it, and large bay windows with cream curtains gave panoramic views of miles of countryside.

Adrian could see the ruin of an old castle high on a hill, about fifteen miles away, and the canal running through the fields to the south. The woods to one side of Dom's property continued on for miles, cutting across the canal, heading towards the castle.

Adrian was startled out of his daydreaming when Dom's large hand - holding a ragged towel - snaked around his torso and gently wiped his jacket clean.

"Sorry about that," he murmured. "She gets excited about meeting new people."

"How old is she?"

"Seven months. I don't think she'll grow much more now, though."

Dom laughed at Adrian's look, and wrapped his arms around the smaller man. He was pleased to feel Adrian sink back into his body. He rested his head against Adrian's for a moment, breathing his intoxicating scent, before he gently kissed Adrian's ear.

Adrian shivered when Dom's lips touched his skin.

Dom's large hands, splayed over Adrian's abdomen, pulled him closer.

Adrian rested his head on Dom's shoulder, and turned slightly away, baring his neck to the detective.

Dom immediately took advantage of Adrian's gesture, trailing his lips over Adrian's warm skin.

Adrian moaned softly as Dom's lips moved over his collarbone, gently sucking and biting.

Adrian's hands tightened over Dom's own as he groaned again.

It had been six years since anyone had touched him in this way, and never in his life had someone made him feel like this.

Dom's hands trailed underneath Adrian's shirt. They moved up to gently pinch his nipples, before one of Dom's hands slowly traced Adrian's scar.

Adrian, feeling Dom's hands there, jerked away suddenly, with a strength that surprised Dom.

"What's the matter?" Dom asked quietly, seeing Adrian's uncomfortable look.

"This is all... It's a bit fast," Adrian whispered.

His arms were curled protectively around his torso.

"Alright," said Dom, after a moment. "But... you're sending me a few mixed signals."

Adrian looked at him.

"I mean, you spent all night flirting with me, when I started kissing you, you didn't stop me. It was only when I touched your scar."

Adrian - unconsciously, it seemed - flinched.

"I don't care about it, Adrian," Dom said gently. "What you told me earlier... it doesn't change the way I see you."

He reached out and stroked Adrian's cheek gently.

"It's been a long time, Dom," Adrian said.

"I know... But what happened to you doesn't mean you can't enjoy this."

"I scared," Adrian murmured.

"Of what?" Dom asked gently. "Of me?"

Adrian nodded, his eyes filling with ashamed tears.


"Because... Jamie's the only person I've ever been with. I met him when I was nineteen, married him when I was twenty three, left him when I was twenty nine... Violence and neglect is all I've ever experienced from men."

Dom went over and hugged Adrian.

"You'll never experience that from me," he said firmly. "Never. I'd never lay a finger on you. Except in a good way."

Adrian rested his head against Dom's shoulder.

"I know that... in my heart. But my head is telling me..."

"To slow down? Alright. We'll go as slow as you like."

"Thank you." Adrian rested his forehead against Dom, a smile of relief on his face.

"Not to... immediately make you think I don't mean what I say, but... would you mind staying here tonight?" Dom hurriedly continued before Adrian could speak. "My car is at your place, and my closest neighbours are three miles away."

Adrian grinned.

"And here was me thinking you enjoyed the pleasure of my company."

Dom laughed, and gave Adrian a chaste kiss on the lips.

'Keeping Secrets' - The White Bridge Crime Series 1 - LGBT, manXmanWhere stories live. Discover now