The Girl In The Crevice 2

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It was a disgusting, and gory sight. Long hair starting to crawl out from the shelves' crevice. Slowly.... Slowly... Like a creeping spider.

Mai let out a blood curdling scream.

She ran away from the wild mass of hair, and from the...that thing!!! Whatever that was!!!

Mai ran out of the library.

But no matter how noisy the thumping of her shoes were, the sound of bones being dislocated in a fast speed was more louder.

The disturbing sound cackling from above the ceiling.

It groaned, as it moved in towards Mai. It's long, messy, mat of black hair, spewing throughout the ceiling and it's walls.

Without thinking Mai ran to the left.

It was the elevator.

The groaning sound came closer and closer. Along with the cackling bones.

Mai panicked.

Hurriedly pushing the elevator's buttons, to hopefully close the door.

She prayed. Oh, she hoped.

Just as the groaning became louder, the elevator door shutted close.

Mai fell down on the floor.
Adrenaline leaving her veins.

Her knees wobbled from the fear, she had witnessed.

Finally. She was safe... For now.

When the elevator door opens, she will dash the hell out of the Campus' building, and will never look back. After all this, she will transfer schools, she'll go to church daily, and wear a rosary.
Mai planned.

Yeah. That seems...nice.

The thought made it ease her panicking nerves.


Mai remembered.

Didn't Pat say; "She crawls in any building's crevice..."

"B-but... This is the elevator." Mai reassures herself.

But an elevator has dozens of crevices.

Mai immediately looked up. Expecting her doom.

But nothing.

She sighed in relief.

Not noticing the flowing black hair behind her. Wrapping itself against her neck.

The hair tightened around her throat, and Mai began to gasp for air.

The hair began to drag her up, up, up the elevator's corner.

She screamed, but no sound came out.

Mai's face was brutally squished into the crevice.

Bones cracking and cackling.

Till it was only her legs hanging from the elevator's crevice.

She should've just taken the stairs....


(358 words)

( All words total from first chapter till second chapter:870)

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