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Readers must not involve further into the victim's case.
Do not search for their names, cases, or deaths.
Author will not be responsible for anything that will happen to the readers.
Be it accidents, injuries, or even deaths.

You have been warned.

Ann gave the place a thought.
It wasn't so bad looking. It was clean. So, what's the problem? Nothing.

The boarding house doesn't even look a day old, and it was closer to her university.

Finally making her decision, she decided to stay here.

The landlord agreed on letting her stay.

Hey,  who could've thought... That the pay is pretty cheap too!

Ann quickly felt at home. It was clean, and gave off a homey atmosphere.

That night Ann couldn't sleep.

It was so loud.

A loud thrashing on the left side of the walls.

Loud sounds of a TV playing.

Loud sounds of someone's kicking at the walls.

Ann couldn't sleep a wink.

At first she let this problem go.

But the loud sounds happening every night, not letting her sleep.

Her lack of sleep, has affected her studies at school.

This was outrageous.

Ann couldn't take it anymore.

She'll have a talk to her neighbor.

If they still continue to pester her with the loud sounds, after telling them to stop....she will definitely report this to the landlord.

Ann went home late that night.

As she opened the door to her room, the loud sounds started again.

Now furious and pissed off, she marched to the corridor and knocked on her neighbor's door.

No answer.

This time, Ann made the knock louder than last time.

Still no answer.

Ann kneeled down, and peeked at the keyhole.

What harm could be done right?

She looked inside.

It was all blue. Like the light of the TV illuminating throughout the whole room.

That's it? They were noisy, because they were watching TV?!?


Ann huffed, as she stood up.

She went back to her room, and made the decision to tell the landlord about this.

The next morning Ann told the landlord about the noises, and how it has affected her studies.

The landlord was quiet the whole time, she explained.

"Nobody's been living there for three years." The landlord stated.

"Well, someone is!" Ann replied.

The landlord gave a shaky sigh.

He fished for something in his bag, and handed it to Ann.

"She was the last tenant living in the room next to yours." The landlord explains.

"So? Let me talk to her! Tell her she has to keep the noises down." Ann says.

"I'm afraid you can't." The landlord says.

"And why is that?" Ann asks.

"Because she's dead. She hanged herself in that very room." The landlord states.

Ann examines the photo that was handed to her.

The woman in the photo, had long, beautiful, long hair. She had pale skin, and she was quite tall. She also has a beautiful pair of blue eyes.


Ann swears she have seen that shade of blue on her eyes before....

Oh.... Yeah... Last night.

Ann froze.

What she saw last night through the key hole wasn't TV light illuminating through the room.

She was facing the very person who had hanged herself.

She was looking straight at the woman's eyes.

The woman was looking at her too, when she was peeking at the keyhole.


564 words

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