𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 08

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((a/n: I lowkey want to add in some inspiration/ideas of the Witcher series tbh. probably mostly just Jaskier as he's portrayed in the series rather than how he's portrayed in the games.

A̶l̶s̶o̶ ̶l̶o̶w̶k̶e̶y̶ ̶b̶c̶ ̶I̶ ̶h̶o̶n̶e̶s̶t̶l̶y̶ ̶k̶e̶e̶p̶ ̶i̶m̶a̶g̶i̶n̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶G̶e̶r̶a̶l̶t̶ ̶h̶o̶w̶ ̶h̶e̶ ̶l̶o̶o̶k̶s̶ ̶i̶n̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶s̶e̶r̶i̶e̶s̶  ̶o̶p̶-̶

And I kinda wanna throw in young Ciri from the series instead of adult Ciri from the games bc I have some ideas for that

idk should I or nah?))


Shaela awoke to the sun shining through the window, finding the room to be quiet and empty on Geralt's side. She contemplated laying in bed a little longer, glad to have been able to sleep in for once and not feel sore from sleeping on a hard ground.

She slowly trudged out of bed, pulling the corset top back on. Geralt's side of the room was empty making it clear he already left.

She grabbed an apple from her satchel, munching on it as she left the inn to search for the Witcher. Luckily she didn't even have to take a step further as she spotted him at the notice board beside the inn.

"Anything interesting?" she asked as she stood beside him, glancing at the two papers he held in his arms. One mentioned a Nekker problem and the other mentioned an Arachas problem from what she could read.

"Monsters that have been plaguing the town" Geralt responded, handing the papers over to the female so she could read them as well.

The two pieces of paper shortly described the problem and mentioned a good reward for whoever would deal with the monsters. She rose a brow as she glanced over at Geralt as if silently asking if he was gonna take the monster contracts.

"Might as well deal with them while we're here and earn some coin" Shaela mumbled, folding the papers and putting them in the small pouch on her belt.

Geralt let out a soft hum in agreement, taking a quick glance at the other papers on the notice board. None of the other notices were anything interesting so he turned around and made his way to the east gate of the town.

Shaela followed after him, looking around at the citizens of Flotsam that were out and about. It was still cloudy like it could rain at any moment, giving the town a gloomy appearance.

The forest surrounding Flotsam, however, gave the area around the town a much more lively appearance.

A small settlement was located just behind Flotsam consisting of around 4 to 5 small houses, a few people gathered around a small campfire in the middle and a few children running around playing together.

"Lobinden. A small village that was here before Flotsam. Mostly occupied by dwarves and elves" Geralt explained, watching the girl beside him glance around the settlement.

He spotted the elf he was looking for standing at his usual spot on the platform against one of the trees, quickly making his way up the ladders with Shaela following behind.

"Gwynbleidd" the black-haired elf greeted with a nod, Geralt returning the greeting.

"Cedric. We need your help finding a place. Thought you might have heard of it" the Witcher started, glancing over at the female beside him.

"I'm looking for a place 'untouched by men'. I thought it might be a place that humans haven't taken over yet or something" Shaela added on with a light shrug.

Cedric thought over her words, brows slightly furrowed as he softly shook his head.

"I might have heard of a place like that. Brinegrove. It's a forest where no human, elf or dwarf has been to yet. Iorveth might know more about it" the elf responded.

"Any idea where we might find him?" Geralt asked, Cedric replying by pointing in the direction further in the forest.

They bid their goodbyes as Geralt and Shaela make their way back down to the ground, heading off further into the forest in search of the other elf.

"Oh, isn't that the place they think the Nekker nest is?" the black-haired female spoke up, pointing to a cave they passed by.

Geralt let out a hum, heading in the direction of the cave with Shaela right behind him. He grabbed his silver Witcher sword off his back as he entered the cave.

"Stay close" he spoke softly, giving the female a sharp look as she pulled her own silver sword from her back. She lightly rolled her eyes at his words, carefully inspecting their surrounding for the creatures.

A low growl from deeper within the cave caught their attention, followed by a swarm of Nekkers and Nekkerwarriors running at them at full speed.

Geralt, being a Witcher, slashed through the small creatures with ease while Shaela had a little more trouble. Together they made quick work of getting further into the Nekker nest.

The female cursed under her breath as a few Nekkers circled in on her, driving her backwards as they growled and tried to attack her.

She nearly jumped out of her skin as she bumped into something behind her, causing her to quickly turn around with her sword raised.

She came face to face with Geralt who also had his sword raised to attack as the two had ended up bumping into each other.

Both of them let out a sigh of relief that it was just each other, lowering their swords, yet neither bothered to step away from the other despite standing so close to each other.

Shaela took this chance to get a better look at the Witcher, from the white hair that was now disheveled and half out of the ponytail he keeps it in, to his yellow cat-like eyes that almost seemed to glow in the dimly lit cave.

Her gaze flickered down to his lips for a brief moment, and she would be lying if she said she wasn't a little tempted to kiss him.

As if reading her mind, the white-haired male slowly started to lean in, Shaela following suit from her end.

But right before their lips could meet in a kiss, the female stepped aside to stab a Nekker that had tried to sneak up on them. She sheethed her sword and turned in the direction of the cave entrance.

"We should get going and find this Iorveth person" she spoke quickly, keeping her back to Geralt so he wouldn't see the dark blush on her face.

The Witcher watched as she left the cave, waiting for her to have left his eyesight before he let out a sigh. He shook his head, bending down to pick up some Nekker guts as proof that they took care of them for a reward before he too left the cave.

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