'Characters And Ships!!!!

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Aries Ramson
Personality: A kind, but extremely competitive athletic girl (which causes her to bump heads with Virgo and Gemini a lot). Aries is very playful and like to play pranks on others in the house. She does have a vicious attitude, and can be deadly when you make her mad, though she is secretly a softy, who plays the drums. She loves fire.(sorry for this bad description and grammar)
Height: 5'9
Age: 17
Normal Form:(strong girl)

(sorry for this bad description and grammar)Height: 5'9Age: 17Normal Form:(strong girl)

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Nightmare Form:(they won't look like their normal forms, more demon like)

Scorpio AmarrowGender: FemalePower: ???Personality: A secretive girl who try's to get along with people, and likes to exercise

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Scorpio Amarrow
Gender: Female
Power: ???
Personality: A secretive girl who try's to get along with people, and likes to exercise. She loves to hang out with people an loves her friends (she just refuses to admit it). Though do not get on her bad side or hurt her family, because she will kill you. She love the arctic and dangerous animals.
Height: 5'9
Age: 17
Normal Form:

Nightmare Form:(can she go from that to this??)

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Nightmare Form:(can she go from that to this??)

Nightmare Form:(can she go from that to this??)

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