attack p3

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Leah pov

I could feel myself becoming weaker the more I using my magic if Mirza doesn't kill Peter than I will.

Gasping in shock as an arrow shot past me aiming at an incoming enemy who almost attacked me. Susan, "thank you" "are you okay I almost lost you?" Susan fretted, reloading her bow looking more worried making me force a smile "I'm fine just remind me when we do get out of this...." Slicing an incoming enemy as Susan released her arrow "to kill peter" I finished making Susan roll her eyes "you arent to only one!"


gasping hold of Susan as the ground beneath us shook worse than before something not right. Before I could even blink everything went slow motion.

3rd person

everything happened in a second when the castle wall crumpled to the ground the high queen felt herself go in shock seeing her dragon she looked just the same but she notices she had lost colour and not the ocean blue she was more like a pale blue almost grey.


Leah pov

"wait. that's Saphira?!" Suan yelled, looking at the dragon in shock as she let out a raw following with the glow;


hurrying into cover pull Susan as fast as I could before a blue fire travelled past us with screams of people trying to get cover in time.

"That's not Saphira!!"

glancing back seeing are army trying to fight back at Saphira seeing her eyes were pitch black.

I didn't even realise what I was doing everything just stop only realizing it when I heard Susan shouting my name I can't just hide when with my people are being attacked by my dragon.

These people will pay for what they had done.


growls could be heard across the kingdom seeing the once sky blue eyes now black made me frown what have they done?

Susan pov

I watched in shock as Leah and Saphira stare face to face when out surprise the dragon let out a raw grasping hold of Leah before either of us could stop it.

I realise I had yelled her name trying to fire arrows to try and stop her.


Leah pov

Gasping form shock on in packed feeling every bone in my body form being ruthlessly thrown to the ground, I couldn't hear anything.Feeling a thud behind made me glance to see....


gritting my teeth threw the pain as the dragon let out a raw nocking me 

back throwing me back, even more, when I tyred to stand making me cry in pain.

"Saphire...please, I know your still there" taking a deep breath feeling burning in my lungs, but I didn't give up in standing I think I have broken my arm.

I didn't get a chance to try when Saphira let out a smoke threw her nose, oh no.

3rd person

the once clear sky turned to ash as the last of her kind let fire travels around   her once rider the one she swore she would protect with her life, hide from the inevitable death all she could do is pray for Aslan to help her.

Saphira pov

My mind went completely blank I didn't know what came over me; when I saw my rider in the castle it was like someone else took over my mind and body and only I could watch as 'I' ruffly grasped hold of her like she was some sort of toy.

When I saw what the dragon was about to do I snaped I can't allow myself to kill my own rider.

Shocking myself when everything becomes less blurry in my mind not just jumbled mess.

Flashback little Saphira

growling softly as I hid I saw my pry. I plan to catch a small flying beast. growling as it comes closer but suddenly I felt myself me picked up making me scowl...

Let me go

"Saphira, what have I told you about chasing after butterflies" a gentle but firm voice made me glance to see my future rider making me babble like a  baby, I couldn't talk yet all I could do is purr as my rider scratched behind my ear.

Feeling something in my snout made my eyes go cross-eyed seeing the little winged beast made me growl rumble in my throat making the beast flap its wings.



laughter could be heard from the human as I continue to sneeze, huffing when the winged beast flapped its wings in front of me, tutting me, laughing at me. 

Present Saphira pov

Everything came back to me the first time I learned to fly, breathing fire and so much more. I couldn't even see with how much smoke was in the sky much I can still hear my rider.

Seeing her almost fragile body made me cry in shock she looked burly alive; cuts and bruises were all over her body and her clothes with ripped and covered in ash, and her hair once golden brown and in a side braid now tangled nest and almost black; she looked unrecognisable making my heart hurt, I swore to protect her but I'm almost killed her.

Moving closer to Leah and moving her slightly with my snout hoping she will wake up.. please wake up cooing as continue to try again



Please wake up



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