The lie on the roof

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Tears were falling out of his grey eyes

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Tears were falling out of his grey eyes. They were rolling on his thick cheekbones, sipping in his mouth to drown his heart.

He always hated lying to John. But here he was, on this roof, beside Moriarty, his worst enemy, his worst distraction, beside the dead body of the dark he could've become. But here he was, narrating the lie of his life to the person of his life, the wise, spirited, and kind John Watson. He would have been the only good enough angel to take him, senseless creature, under one wing.

The doctor probably thought that his friend was crying for his presumed lies, but, at this time, only Sherlock knew why he was letting his sorrow burn his eyes and soak his visage. The last time he could stare at John for a long time, he had to do it through a lie. A lie that will cause a storm in his friend's heart. He hated Moriarty and his sick brain, desperate for distraction, keen for crime. He hated Moriarty for making him leave John.

He had to


and jump

without a word but "Goodbye John",

as the "I love you" hidden in his throat.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2020 ⏰

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