Chapter 1

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Elena's POV

"Bye Mom, bye dad " I said hugging them.

" I'll miss you " said Mom kissing my forehead.

" Take care and call us if you need anything " said Dad giving me a final hug. After they left I got my dorm keys and decided to unpack. Luckily the school was non uniform so I didn't need to wear a uncomfortable uniform. I changed into white tank top and floral skater skirt. I pulled on a comfy red cardigan on top. As I started to put a picture of my family on my bedside table and the door handle moved. A girl with blonde hair walked in. She wore a red dress and black cardigan.

" Hey you must be Elena, I'm Caroline " she smiled.

" Hey Caroline " I smiled back.

" Come we got to go to the snack bar, I'll introduce to my friends ". She took me to a large hall filled with students. At the side was a table full of food. She stopped at a large table.

" Everyone this is my new roomie, Elena and Elena this is Bonnie, Lexi, Klaus, Rebekah, Matt, Tyler, Damon and Stefan. I looked at Stefan. He had gorgeous green eyes. I could stare at them all day but then a thought sprang to my mind.

" Hi everyone, Caroline I'm just gonna go find my brother "

" Wait you have a brother, is he hot? " Caroline smirked. I rolled my eyes and went to look for Jeremy. As I turned a corner I bumped into someone.

" Oh sorry ! " I said. I looked up. He had green eyes and brown hair. Stefan.

" Oh hey you lost? " he asked. He had such a charming voice.

" Uh yeah you know where dorm 715 is? "

" Yeah follow me "

Authors NoteFirst chapter is complete :) Stefan and Elena just met and are so cute :) I'll update soon ;)

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