Chapter nine

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A few hours ago
When he was talking to the principal Donna got to his room and put a note in his suitcase:

[Jug, I am in love with you and I am not sorry that your bitch girlfriend caught us because I know that the kiss was the beginning of a great relationship, please come to me Juggy i want you back❤.Your Dona]

At his house
Jughead arrived at the house he was so sad but he didn't want Betty to find out she was going through so much so he had to hide the truth again so she wouldn't get hurt.
"Betty i am home"
Betty was taking a nap so she couldn't hear him
He went upstairs and she saw her sleeping, she was so beautiful and he didn't want to wake her up he opened his laptop and started writing something new.
A few hours later Betty woke up she was curious that Jughead was there we were supposed to be at the Stonewall.
"What are you doing here?"
"They renovate the school" he had to make up a lie quickly
"Really, now?"
"Yeah, you don't want me here, my love?" He said laughing
"Jughead since when you say me your love?"
"You don't like it?"
"I love it, but I know that you are lying too, my dear" she responded angrily and went downstairs
He followed her in the kitchen.
She put a glass of milk and a cupcake while Jughead was looking at her odd he expected her to be pissed but instead, she was calm.
"Do you want?" She asked(mentioning the cupcakes)
"No, I am fine, what about you how do you feel?"
Betty didn't respond directly she closed her eyes and took a deep breath first
"I am fine, I feel a little nauseous but I pregnant"
She pretends to smile
"I can't do this Betty Cooper!" He said and hit the table, Betty was scared of him for the first time he was furious but when he saw her worried he divided to tell her the truth
"They kicked me out, Betty," he said he hugged he taught, Betty was shocked
"Why? They are idiots if they don't get how talented you are, I am so sorry Juggy" she said stroked his cheek, while they were hugged their parents got in
"Hey hey what is happening here lovebirds?" Alice said laughing
"Mom it's not the right time"
"Why what happened?" Fp said
"I am not accepted at Stonewall anymore dad"
" Don't worry son they just lost the best writer the world will ever know, they are idiots you can still go to Yale, right"
"No, I don't think so dad I have to be here for Betty and the Baby"
"Okay we will see"

They all were so sad for him he lost a great opportunity but Betty was desperate Jughead abandoned his life for them(her and the baby) she got up in the middle of the night and went for a walk to clear her mind and decide what to do.
Jughead woke up to drink some water and saw that Betty was missing, he was calling her over and over again but she had left her phone at their room Jughead was waiting for over an hour for her and went to his dad and Alice bedroom to inform them that Betty was missing and waited together for one more hour.
When she finally came they were all looking at her like she was guilty.
"Look who decided to come..." Betty's mom said
"I wanted some time for myself...alone without all of you telling what is right and what is wrong i can't take this you are changing for me and I don't want this anymore"
Jughead knew that she meant him
"Dad, Mrs.Cooper can you give us a minute?"
"Yes, but you better go to bed"
"We will, goodnight"
They left and Jughead sat down
"Why are you doing this, what I've done, Betty?"
"You are abanding your dreams and I can't watch you fall not anymore"
Jughead smiled got up and brought her a check with 50.000$
"What is that Jug?"
"They hired me at a publishing house, I wanted to surprise you but you hurry"
"That's amazing you achieved a lifetime dream, baby"
"I know it feels like a dream, Betty, but not better than this," he said and touched her belly
"We are going to be parents Juggy"
They went to bed they were cuddling all night finally the didn't have problems.

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