Mating Season

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Author's Note : This story was originally written as part of the 2019 Fall Fic Prompt Exchange held by the Reylo Writing Den Discord group for the AO3 Author, 'P_Dunton'.

The original prompt was for an ABO that is hot and fluffy and happens in the autumn when Alphas and Omegas start to look for their partners. They call it "The Season", and it's Rey's first season.

This was also my first time writing an ABO, so please be kind. Enjoy!


"Come on, Rey! Please?"

"I don't know Rose...."

"Pretty please? Pretty, pretty please with a cherry on top?"

There was a silent pause between the two women as they stood side by side under the propped up hood of a Dodge Ram truck. The shortest woman, Rose, was a spitfire with almond shaped eyes and a quirky black bob that had the tendency to flip up at the ends. She wore a brown mechanics coverall that made her look a bit frumpy when really she was quite beautifully curvy underneath. The taller woman, Rey, had dark brown hair pulled up into a peculiar style of three individual buns. She wore a matching coverall, though hers was considerably more stained. Oil darkened her already tanned hands as she reached across the belly of the truck to tighten some bolts.

"It will be fun!" Rose said in a sing-song voice. "I promise." She declared as she angled the shop lamp she held to illuminate the battery cables of the truck Rey was working to secure.

"It's not that I don't think I'd have a good time." Rey said as she slightly shook her head. Tendrils of loose hair brushed against her dirt streaked cheeks. "It's just..." Rey sighed as she and Rose removed themselves from underneath the hood of the truck before slamming it shut. She placed both hands on the hood, shoulders hunched defensively with a wrench still clutched in her right hand. "It's my first Season." She admitted quietly to her co-worker and friend.

Rose continued to beam at her as if what was just confessed was something minor. "I know!!! Which is why this would be so great!" Rose quickly switched off the lamp and placed it on the hood of the truck before trailing after Rey who was picking up scattered tools as she walked across the garage. "This is my first Season without Paige now that she's mated. And - your first Season ever! We can experience both firsts together!!!"

Rey frowned as she placed all the tools back in their respective drawers at the massive shared workbench at the back of the garage. As if on cue, the mating gland on her neck began to itch. She suppressed the urge to scratch it, choosing to adjust one of the three buns in her hair instead as a distraction. As a recently designated Omega, Rey had just gotten used to the specific dosage of suppressants she needed, as well as figuring out when to expect her heat cycles. Heat cycles that she suffered through much like everything else she did in her life.


That wasn't fully true though. Not anymore at least.

First there was her boss. Rey had been on her way back from her graveyard shift at the Jakku junkyard when her rust bucket of a car began to overheat. As she was on the side of the road, elbow deep in the engine of the car with the hood propped up with an umbrella, a man pulled over behind her to see if she needed any assistance. Lando Calrissian still fancied himself a ladies man even in his old age and he never turned down the opportunity to help a damsel in distress. When he realized Rey had already repaired the vehicle by herself, he offered her a job at his car lot on the spot. In need of a fresh start, solid pay, and a secure job - she didn't hesitate to accept.

Rose Tico was the only other female mechanic at Calrissian Motors. She was overjoyed for there to be another girl in the garage. Her and her older sister Paige took Rey under their wings and helped her get set up with a quaint apartment and familiarize her with her new town. Chandrila was a bustling city, vastly different from the quiet desert town of Jakku where Rey had grown up. Perhaps it was being surrounded by so many people after being lonely for so long that finally triggered Rey's designation as an Omega. Regardless, Paige and Rose were there to help her with that too. And for that, she would be forever grateful.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2020 ⏰

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