Black Skinhead

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Author's Note: Chapter title inspired by the song 'Black Skinhead' by Kanye West. This was NOT used in Westworld, but I felt some of the lyrics fit the mood.


Garth's hand falls open in surprise, causing the forceps and the bullet to drop and tumble onto the table.

"Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit! FUCK! Oh shit!" Cliff shouts as he backs away from the examination table with both hands in the air as if he was being held hostage. Ben sits up from the examination table, his hand still holding onto Garth's wrist. His brows are furrowed as he takes in his surroundings. His breathing is heavy and panicked.

"Oh FUCK!" Garth shouts. "Freeze all motor functions! FREEZE ALL MOTER FUNCTIONS!"

Ben doesn't respond to the command. Instead he twists Garth wrist and the man howls with pain. "Fucking DO something!" Garth shouts to Cliff. Cliff scrambles towards the medical cart and grabs a black box from the bottom shelf, flinging it open. He pulls out a tazer and aims it at Ben. The electric shock is enough for Ben to let go of Garth as his body shudders from the impact. Garth steps back from Ben as he nurses his wrist with his free hand. Ben now turns his sights on Cliff, who is standing with the tazer in his shaking hand, ready to strike again. Ben's eyes practically burn, his lips twitching up into a sneer.

"Hux!" He yells at Cliff, pointing an accusatory finger at him. "What is the meaning of this? What have you done to me?"

"Hu... Huh... Hux? I don't... Uh... I don't understand!" Cliff stutters. He momentarily looks down at the Delos Inc. identity badge pinned to the pocket of his lab coat. It has a picture of him above the words H. Katze. "Ooh... Oh!" Cliff says as he comes to a realization. "No! Um... H is for Heathcliff. That's my name." Cliff says steadily and calmly to Ben, gently tapping his chest.

"Who is this Hux?" Garth asks, brandishing a scalpel in Ben's direction.

"He's one of his arch nemesis'. From the back-story of his 'precious' narrative." Cliff explained to Garth. "He has red hair, just like I do."

"Where am I?" Ben then asked, staring bewildered around the lab. "Where is Rey?"

"Who's Rey?" Garth asked as he inched closer to Ben, still pointing his scalpel at him.

"Really Garth? Do you even read the narratives?" Cliff said, lowering his hands. He bent down slightly to retrieve his data pad that had fallen to the floor. "Rey is his wife." Cliff tapped at the screen, pulling up Rey's profile before cautiously handing the pad to Ben. "This is her, correct?"

Ben gingerly accepted the data pad and traced a finger over Rey's profile on the screen. "Where is Rey?" He repeated.

"You shot her." Garth spat at Ben.

"No.... I.... No...." Ben says slowly as his eye twitches. "I couldn't have... I would never! I love her.... I'd never hurt her."

"Well you did. Some husband you are." Garth scoffs.

Ben growls and launches himself at Garth. Cliff fires the tazer once more. Ben seizes a few times, arms stiff at his sides, before falling to the floor and lying motionless.

"Is he deactivated?" Garth asked in a hushed voice.

Cliff scans Bens form with the data pad. "That last jolt knocked him out." He lowered the data pad and rounded on Garth. "What the fuck, man? What did you do?"

"Me? I didn't do anything!"

"You must have triggered his brain when you were retrieving the bullet!"

Take My Heart When You Go - A Reylo/Westworld AUWhere stories live. Discover now